Hijab & Niqab Hot Topics Misconceptions

Top 5 Reasons for Hijabophobia

http://www.flickr.com/photos/mkhalili/4470522177/in/photostream/For Muslims and non-Muslims alike, there’s a new fear out there, and I call it “Hijabophobia.”  This irrational fear has crept into the subconscious of the unsuspecting all over the world.  What is the cause of such ill feelings against a simple piece of cloth? Below is an attempt to understand this phenomenon.

The Most Recognizable Identifier of a Muslim Woman

What is the first thing you think of when you see a woman wearing a headscarf?  Undoubtedly, the mental association between a woman wearing the headscarf and Islam is very strong.  More than any other article of clothing, hijab has become the most recognizable identifier of Muslim women.

This point hit home for a family member of mine when we sat together in a waiting room in one of Los Angeles’ largest hospitals. He witnessed several people pass by enthusiastically offering their salaam (greeting, literally peace) and asking how we were doing.  Afterwards, my family member turned to me and said, “Do you know these people?”  This was the first time he witnessed how powerful the hijab was as an identity marker in public.  How did they know I was Muslim? Undoubtedly, the headscarf was a clear giveaway.

With this strong association comes a myriad of pre-conceived notions, a sense of mystery (does she have hair?), stereotypes, and just plain fear. For many Non-Muslims, the headscarf represents a religion that is foreign and one they do not understand. The natural outcome, therefore, for those who fear the religion, is to fear its most apparent manifestation.

This intensified attention placed on the headscarf and on the women who wear it is much to the chagrin of some Muslim women. The emphasis placed on the head scarf leaves them feeling stuck in an un-engaging discourse at the expense of other pressing issues affecting the well-being of some Muslim women and girls around the world. This emphasis in and of itself tends to turn Muslim women away from wanting to learn about this practice, and as a result creates ill-feeling. Unfortunately, a vicious cycle is created where increased talk around the hijab is aroused (to defend its basis in Islam), and again some women feel repelled by the concept even further.

Associated with Oppression and Misogyny

There has been a surge of thought within the Muslim community that misogynistic views distort Islamic rulings. Granted that male chauvinism is a massive problem within the Muslim community that leads to such things as physical and mental abuse, double standards, and government-sanctioned transgression against women and girls, it is a worldwide issue affecting all cultures and religions.

Some say the disrespect of women has influenced the Qur’anic scholars of old to interpret ayat (verses of the Qur’an) to serve their own negative agendas: to oppress women. Those who feel that our fiqh (creed) is tainted with misogynistic opinions therefore argue that hijab is a result of such ill will towards women.

This type of reasoning has been viewed as liberating and refreshing. However, in reality, this is damaging and self-serving. Instead of searching for the wisdom behind some of Allah’s commandments concerning women, some use this argument as a license to refute basic Islamic principles relating to women’s dress and gender relations.

Out of Place in Western Society

Trying to adhere to an Islamic dress code in the West is challenging to say the least. Going against the modern current of wearing revealing clothing such as shorts that barely cover one’s underwear is like a fish swimming upstream. Amidst a sea of scantily clad bodies on the beach a Muslim woman feels totally out of place, yet proud.  She is proud that she is not self-conscious and superficial enough to be pressured into wearing a one or two piece bathing suit just to fit in. Instead, she values herself and her religion and does not feel the need to debase herself by submitting to a dress code founded on true oppression—the sexualization of women and girls.

Not surprisingly, the American Psychological Association couldn’t agree with this concept more. In 2007, the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls reported several findings that point out the dangers of current fashion and media trends, and their effects on the healthy development of girls ((The Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls, www.apa.org/pi/women/programs/girls/report.aspx )) .  In the report, the APA defined sexualization as any one of the following phenomena:

  • a person’s value comes only from his or her sexual appeal or behavior, to the exclusion of other characteristics;
  • a person is held to a standard that equates physical attractiveness (narrowly defined) with being sexy;
  • a person is sexually objectified — that is, made into a thing for others’ sexual use, rather than seen as a person with the capacity for independent action and decision making; and/or
  • sexuality is inappropriately imposed upon a person.

These concepts are more easily understood in light of a study conducted by the APA. Two sets of girls were put into dressing rooms. One set was wearing bathing suits and the other was wearing sweaters.  Each set of girls then sat down in front of a mirror in the dressing room and was given a math test.  Results showed that girls wearing the sweaters achieved far higher scores than their counterparts.  Why? Girls with bathing suits were preoccupied with the way they looked, thereby affecting their ability to concentrate on the math test. Imagine then, how girls are affected on a daily basis amidst billboard ads, cartoons, movies, music videos, print ads, etc., that portray women and girls in a sexual manner.

Lack of Understanding of and Appreciation for the Scholarly Method

Lawyers and lawmakers alike would scoff at the idea that any layman can interpret U.S. law and understand its proper application. Yet, Muslims and non-Muslims share in the misguided idea that fiqh (jurisprudence) is a loose methodology of personal interpretations and whims. Just as a lawyer undergoes several years of education to reach his current professional status, so does the Muslim jurist who studies Shar’ia (Islamic law). How much alms tax should one pay? What are the conditions of a marriage contract?  These are not issues that one answer without proper education in Islamic Law.

One would ponder then, do we respect our U.S. legislation to the exclusion of our Islamic law, the very law of the Holy Qur’an upon which Thomas Jefferson based the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution? ((The Jefferson Qur’an, www.oxfordislamicstudies.com/Public/focus/essay0412_jefferson_quran.html ))

Visual Disparity Between Outer Appearance and Inner Character

Finally, a major cause of “hijabophobia” is the disparity between how some Muslims behave and their outer appearance. People associate wearing hijab with piety. Undoubtedly, to follow one of Allah’s commandments is a righteous deed in and of itself; and to wear the hijab in the West is a struggle.  Yet, we must remember, it is possible to follow one commandment and err in another, regardless of whether this error is apparent to others or not.  We are all human, susceptible to weakness of character and falling into sin. But, when women wearing the headscarf openly back-bite, are rude, or use foul language, a negative message is being sent. Some see this disparity and use this as an argument against wearing the hijab. Others who loosely associate themselves with Islam feel repelled from the religion even further. Unfortunately for women who wear hijab, their outwardly deeds become an instant invitation for judgment. No one knows if a Muslim really prays, fasts, or even pays zakat (charity). We shouldn’t muddle ourselves in the finger-pointing game, ready and waiting to throw blame on our fellow Muslims. Instead, we should all be engaged in a continual spiritual journey on the path to Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala—exalted is He.

To conclude, we shouldn’t fear one of the outer manifestations of our faith, the hijab.  What we should fear is pushing each other away from the deen (religion), thereby creating animosity amongst each other. Our Muslim circles should encourage what is right, discourage what is wrong, and provide an “open door” atmosphere, fostering love and respect amongst our fellow brothers and sisters. May Allah grant us open minds and open hearts. Ameen.

About the author

Lobna Mulla

Born to Egyptian parents, Lobna Youssef Mulla, along with her three siblings, was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley. She graduated from California State University, Northridge with a B.S. in Business Administration with a focus in Accounting. She was on the board of the Muslim Public Affairs Council for two years and worked for 10 years as an accountant before entering motherhood. In 2005, Lobna moved to Egypt with her husband, Shaykh Suhail Mulla, and her children for three years where she studied Arabic, Islamic Studies and Tajweed, before moving back to the States. Lobna has been working with the youth for the past 15 years in various capacities such as assisting with youth camps, leading halaqat, teaching tajweed classes, and leading a MAS Girl Scouts Troop. Currently, Lobna lives in Orange County with her husband and four children, where she is the Vice Chair for MAS Greater L.A.’s Tarbiya Department.


  • “Lawyers and lawmakers alike would scoff at the idea that any layman can interpret U.S. law and understand its proper application.”

    Lawyers and lawmakers may scoff, but in the U.S. juries are composed of peers who do not generally have legal training, and it is they who decide the guilt or innocence of an individual. They can even contravene statutes under the concept of jury nullification (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jury_nullification).

    • I think your misunderstanding highlights the point the writer is making.

      There are many like you who feel that the shariah laws are made by “juries in the U.S.”, while a more accurate interpretation of the role of the scholars in Islam would be the lawmakers and lawyers who help draft out the laws in a country.

      I think if you are able to discern the difference between the two roles, you will have a more accurate picture of how Islamic laws are being derived from the Quran.

    • In the U.S., judges give jury instructions which contain the law and how it should be applied. Judges, through extensive research and knowledge, interpret what the law is.

      FYI jury nullification is not commonly used and has been widely criticized by many who believe that it disregards legislature decision-making and the rule of law.

  • “Some say the disrespect of women has influenced the Qur’anic scholars of old to interpret ayat (verses of the Qur’an) to serve their own negative agendas: to oppress women. Those who feel that our fiqh (creed) is tainted with misogynistic opinions therefore argue that hijab is a result of such ill will towards women.”

    Yes. But it’s also true that scholars are influenced by their culture, which includes how they perceive the roles of men and women, which in turn affects their understanding and interpretation of the Qur’an and sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). To not understand this fact and take it into consideration is “damaging and self-serving,” too.

    • Not only are the scholars influenced by culture, you and I and everyone of us are influenced by cultural perceptions.

      However I believe the writer is saying that our fiqh is separate from the influences of culture and customs. I think you will grasp this more clearly when you study deeper about how the scholars derived Islamic laws from the Quran and sunnah.

    • That is true, the scholars are influenced by their culture. But the basic principles in the quran and sunnah don’t change. Their particular application in the world may change based on the particular conditions we are living in. This may lead to rules that we should follow being made more ‘strict’ or less ‘strict’. However, I think the author is trying to say that though the scholars may make some mistakes, this is often used as an excuse to throw out rules wholesale in order to ‘liberate’ ourselves from any constraints so we can do whatever we want.

  • I think there is a wrong message here – hijab is not and was never a headscarf!! Hijab is defined in fiqh as wearing modestly what covers the whole body with a loose non-transparent garment. This implies a belief of a value and a manner of genuine and serious behavior in interaction with the outside world. The girls when they receive the message this way, the argument comes up: how a piece of cloth on the head would protect/harm anyone?? Surely Nothing – But it is the belief of how you should carry yourself seriously and genuinely with the outside world that would protect, and the way we present ourselves according to what Allah has decreed would for sure help us behave as recommended. What does it mean wearing a headscarf and wearing transparent or tight shirts and jeans with it??? I believe Nothing – it means the concept passed to these ladies is wrong – that hijab is just a headscarf that recognizes your religion!! You fulfilled Allah’s command by putting this piece of cloth on the head! We really need to review our understanding and conception that we pass to our girls, hijab should reflect the value, principle, and the manner of self-respect, seriousness, and modesty before recognition of being from a different religion that non-muslims do not know about.
    And Allah knows best.

  • Good article, but perhaps I may elaborate on the obvious. Hijabophobia exists because women are wearing hijabs, right ? More so it is a multitude of women who are wearing hijab to warrant a “phobic” response, i.e. if one or two were wearing, it would not be a big issue (that’s why the ban in France is ludicrous). Further there are orthodox Jewish women who are distinctively dressed, but not surrounded by phobia. So one really thinks about, it is not so much Hijabophobia, as much as it is a distrust of Islam, as stated in the article, because wearing the Hijab clearly identifies a women as a “practising” Muslim.

    So really it is not about hijabs, beards, masjids, islamic centers, religions relics, etc, but fundamentally of deen-ul islam itself.

    • Well…yes. I think (or at least hope)that the author of this article wrote it knowing why the phobia of hijab, beard, seeing Muslims pray in the manner they do, etc…all stem from the fear/distrust towards Islam that stems from ignorance towards the faith.

      So I think that part is understood. However this article just highlights the off-shoot effect of a particular “MICRO”-phobia that stems from that large “MACRO”-phobia of the religion itself. Someone could write an article on “fist-length-beardophobia” and most of us would know where that fear really is rooted in…ignorance of the faith.

      Another good point about why people view women in hijab as being oppressed is because often times people see hijabis walking around with their husbands for example that are dressed in form-fitting, stylish clothes (not to say hijabis can’t be stylish)…yet their wives are modestly dressed with the hijab.

      I think Muslim men forget that “hijab” pertains to them just as much as it does towards women too.

      • As much as I’d like to believe that this fear of not only Hijabs but the entire Islamic culture IS derived from a lack of understanding, that is more than likely not the case.
        You can keep telling yourself this, and I truly wish it was an accurate statement. However the top reason for ‘hijabiphobia’ – which, probably out of fear of offending our community – is undoubtably not a misunderstanding of our religion, but an actual fear of it. This fear isn’t because they do not understand our culture but because the only exposure many people get to it is negative – extremists are the most commonly talked about members of our faith in the Western World, and while this isn’t necessarily fair, our Hijabs are about as condemning in 21st century America as having an Irish accent in 1970’s England (and for fundamentally the same reasons)

  • Good article but you forgot one point. Many muslim women and their families are afraid of being attacked by non-muslims. It is a personal safety issue.

    • Good point. That is probably a legitimate reason to loosen some of the restrictions. It all depends on the intention of the person. Is the intention an honest one of safety or is it just an excuse? It all depends from person to person. Each person is responsible for their own conscience.

  • Asalamualaikum,
    Excellent article. I have just recently started to wear the niqab, and I stumbled upon this article after looking for some answers to my own niqab phobias. So far its been a blessing experience to cover the way Allah has enjoined upon Muslim women but Shaitaan is definitly playing with my mind and trying very hard to make me take it off. I would advise all Muslim women who have doubts about wearing hijab that in order to accept any law or instruction by Allah, you need to either be convinced of the benefit behind it or to trust in the wisdom of the one who prescribed it. Muslims believe that the wisdom of God is absolute and perfect and that He knows the nature and best interests of His creations (mankind included) better than they do themselves; thus, a believer willingly obeys God’s directives as much as he or she is able. To some, the matter of women’s dress might seem trivial. Islam, however, assigns to it moral, social and legal dimensions. When women observe the proper Islamic dress, they protect their own honor and reputation and contribute greatly towards peace and order in society. Don’t let Shaitaan decieve you with his lies and take Al- Wali (The protecting friend)as the only defender. Allah is also Al-Mani(The preventor of harm), so before you go out into this deceitful world, pray to Al-Mujib (The responder to prayer) and make dua to him with sincerity to protect you and give you courage because hijab in itself is a jihad. Don’t forget that the love of the slave to His Lord and His Messenger is in their Obedience and avoiding their Disobedience.

  • Salam
    Interesting article but all this talk on hijab bothers me. It seems in Islam the way you dress has become more important than what is in your heart and gets the most attention. All women’s talks are either about wearing the hijab correctly (Im pretty sure the sisters already know what is and isnt correct) or marriage. This leads to other muslims using the hijab or the way a muslim woman dresses to judge her. (Dont pretend that doesnt happen!) As sister Azza showed above with her comment on scarf with jeans, sister- you dont know where that person is in their journey, for some people hijab is difficult to wear and to get to the point it sounds like you are already at it may take others yrs. Some people have to take things in stages. But comments like a scarf with jeans is not hijab is not helpful to that sister. Dress amongst muslims seems to be a covert way to identify the religiosity. Its wrong. I hope we can change this soon. Next time you see a sister wearing her hijab as you deem incorrect, dont judge her, instead make dua for her. Please get past the dress for muslims and see them for themselves.

  • I agree anon, we don’t know and can’t judge others….I for one know a sister who wears the full jilbab and she is rude and she portrays a bad stereotype especially when mingling with non Muslims, it makes me think she’s not a better Muslim because of how she dresses but she’s worse as she thinks she’s already better than others and is slightly arrogant, it’s gone to her head because she dresses ” Islamic” and I know other sisters who are talking to non Muslims and integrating and may help dawah but they are not dressed as “Islamic ” .
    Let people choose and remember we should never put down any of our sisters and brothers.
    Liked the article especially the last bit.

  • Alhumdulillah, everything that this sister wrote is so relatable. We just finished doing the tafseer of Surah al-Ma’idah ayah 14 and in that we learned that animosity and hatred in our hearts is actually one of the punishments of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.

    Today Muslims are fascinated by the lives of people of other religions, ignoring our own deen. While we may see them as prosperous and successful, the reality is this is actually a test for them.

    Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala will show us the truth on the Day of Judgment. May we take inspiration from the lives of the Prophets, their righteous companions and the pious predecessors. And may He prevent us from being a fitnah for this world or being the source that causes hatred and divide among the Muslim Ummah, aameen.

    Really it was an informative and inspiring post. JazakiAllahu khairan to the sister.

  • look, bottom line is that the topic is one of the various compliance topics encoded in the Islamic religion. there is the fiqh aspect, in terms of what we believe it means, based on the best reasoning employed. there is the faith aspect, whereby different people will be at different stages on the matter. this is absolutely no different from any other requirement not considered a criminal issue e.g. charity, backbiting, solat, congregational solat, zakat, da’wa, conflict mediation, visiting the sick, etc.

    that it is often prioritised over every one of these other things, and that it is often taken as a litmus test to indicate adherence of these other things, that we cannot take it simply as one thing someone is doing right now to the extent that they’re doing it, reflects more about human minds than about islam. for example, if someone donates $1 while they have $1000 excess when the verse says “they ask:what should we give? say: give what is excess of your needs” (al-baqarah somewhere). i mean, how many muslims can really say we don’t fall short of the expectation implied in this verse, even if we do give to charity regularly. anyway, we would usually acknowledge the $1 as charity nonetheless, recognise it has no bearing on any other qualities the person may have nor indicate anything else he may or may not do religiously, and hope he would next time donate more. yet our psyche on hijab is totally different from this (i’m not saying people on this site, but just generalising more widely). think about that for a moment. why is the one viewed by pretty much everyone as a process, a journey, and the other is always a “binary” pass/fail?

  • To me, everything comes back to fear of the unknown. People who do not understand the culture/cultures outside of their own bubble are uncomfortable with things they do not understand. I think because the headpiece is such a bold and obvious statement, it makes the same ignorant people fear it even more. I will admit, I do not have an absolute grasp on the Muslim beliefs, but I think there is beauty in embracing the difference…finding a chance to learn new things about each other as a society. I subtly claim Christianity in my life. I say subtly because so many people have made an embarrassment out of the belief. I feel as if there is a direct coorilation in the Muslim faith. Crazy extremist tarnish the reputation of sweet, peaceful people. I have met many Muslims, none of which were terrorist, most of which were very pleasant people. There will always be a rude jerk in every sector of every type of person.
    To the author, from a Christian man, I wish you peace and blessings!

    • Salam brother. As a Muslim girl who attended a Catholic school and always respected and valued differences in religion rarely have had the opportunity to be introduced to such respectful and open-minded people like yourself. May the Lord be pleased with you!

  • […] Another civilian test by Fousey Tube. This time he tests whether people would intervene when a male is harassing a female because she is wearing a hijab which make her looks like a terrorist. This is actually a very emotional video, as only two people intervene. Nonetheless, it’s a great way to spread awareness! […]

  • The biggest problem is getting the right people to WANT to read articles like this. The people reading this are already open minded.

  • Dear whoever wrote write this,

    I’m a Muslim young woman living in Egypt (a Muslim country) and I do not wear hijab and let me flat-out say this; I was offended by your article/blog post or whatever that is.

    First of all let me shed some light on that statement:
    “She is proud that she is not self-conscious and superficial enough to be pressured into wearing a one or two piece bathing suit just to fit in. Instead, she values herself and her religion and does not feel the need to debase herself by submitting to a dress code founded on true oppression—the sexualization of women and girls.”
    So you are literally showing how a woman wearing a hijab is BETTER than any other woman just because one is covered and the other isn’t? If we are going to talk about religion then let us at least please look at the Omar Bin el Khatab said which stated that people should not be judged whether they pray or fast or not rather if they do good and are honest or not. Note that he didn’t even mention headscarf because it is nothing but literally a piece of cloth. Other than that you state that a woman who is wearing a hijab is not “superficial enough” to care about showing her body, YET you mention in your last point that it’s okay if a hijabi woman doesn’t pray or is rude or stuff because we are all humans and we make mistakes etc. Don’t you think that Islam is about behaviour rather than clothes? Do you seriously think that it is okay if people concentrate more on attire rather than how to treat other people? Who is superficial now?

    I realise that you are living in the west so the things we see and witness are totally different but here’s what you need to realise.
    Hijab does not make any woman better or special, just like how my hair does not make me smarter or cooler or better. Women who chose not to wear a hijab are free to do so just like others were free to wear it or support it and please if you are going to start the whole freedom of choice thing then don’t shame those who decided to choose something different because you are really contradicting yourself and it is really okay if a woman chose to wear a bikini or a swim suit or shorts.
    Also please realise that in Muslim countries most women are pressured to wear it or they’d be left out talked about or treated like shit because a woman “should cover up and only show her precious body to her husband”. So sexualisation here sexualisation there. No difference. Patriarchal societies everywhere.
    One last point, please understand that God makes sense, he encourages us to use logic and if something isn’t logical then we really need to question it, nothing wrong with that. The Quran is full of verses encouraging humans to think and trust their own judgements so yeah, don’t just take things the way their interpreted because like you said, humans do make mistakes.

    • Dear May Seoud,

      May Allah reward you for your contemplations. Let me be very clear that the statement you quoted referred to feeling compelled to wear bathing suits in public. No where in my article did I state that a woman wearing hijab is better than any other woman. In both Muslim and Interfaith settings I have publically stated that the hijab is an outer manifestation of one of Allah’s commandments. In and of itself it does not declare one’s quality of prayer or any other hidden form of worship and should never be used as a tool for judging others.
      This article is addressing the issue of negative attention surrounding hijab. Therefore, my topic is related to hijab and how those who wear it are misconceived. I, too am Egyptian and did live in Egypt in my adulthood for 3 years while studying and raising 2 children there. I do understand the perspective of both living in the West and living in a Muslim country. That being said, I did not grow up wearing hijab, so I understand very well the unfortunate finger pointing and judgment associated with Muslim women who do not wear hijab. If the American Psychological Association felt concerned and compelled enough to address how bathing suits pressurize women and research the negative implications of how women and girls in general are portrayed in the media, why is it wrong for me to share a similar concern?

      Finally, in reviewing the quoted statement, I will ask the editors to remove the word “superficial” as this sounds judgmental. I apologize.

      Jazaki Allahu Khairan
      Lobna Mulla

  • Being someone who wears the hijab, I constantly feel out of place when I’m on vacation or in areas away from my home city which consists of many Muslims, therefore making me feel “normal” when I wear my hijab. But when I get out of the bubble that is my home city, I’m dealt with a great amount of ignorance. However, there are also people who are genuinely interested about the hijab and treat me very kindly. I think with everything comes people who will either like you or not like you. Going to the beach fully clothed may not be the most comfortable feeling, but I’m constantly reminding myself how blessed I am that I am not judged for the shape of my body or the locks of my hair, but my intellect and genuine heart. I thank Allah for allowing me to wear the hijab because it was the best decision I’ve made in my life.

  • Jazaki Allaahu Khair for the informative article which is also helpful to us brothers to understand the situation of our sisters and help those who are struggling to don the hijab whether it be in a Muslim majority country or in the West.

  • thank you for this enlightening article, though I do have one thing to note: this passage here ” to debase herself by submitting to a dress code founded on true oppression—the sexualization of women and girls” as well as the tone when writing about western tendency to wear more revealing clothes didn’t sit right with me. it sounds like you are placing blame on women who “submit” to the system along with the system itself, a stance that has hints of misogyny. of course there are women who do follow trends they are uncomfortable with only because they are trends, but instead of condemning women who wear more revealingly clothing for reasons such as it’s hot out or they just feel more comfortable with themselves that way, wouldn’t it make more sense to focus on the sexist and oppressive system that deems a girl socially acceptable–not too prude and not too sl*t*– based on what she wears, despite the lack of ties to a woman’s own character? it is your opinion on whether revealing clothes are debasing or not, but this article seems to have a hint of shaming girls who do not feel this way, which is harmful. thank you for your time and this article . regardless of my comments, it was very informative and helpful

    • Dear m,

      Thank you for sharing your concerns. Being a woman, and being who I am, words like “hints of misogyny” go against everything I stand for. Allah created a way of life for us “Truly, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam” – Ale Imran (3:19) and among many things,He prescribed a method of dress and modesty for Muslims. I care so much for the women of the world, that I wish to aid in their empowerment through knowledge. Being a mother of 4 children, two of whom are girls, I am very aware of and concerned for the pressure placed on girls to publicly wear clothing that portray them in a sexual manner. There have been many appeals by non-Muslim young women and organizations to big name clothing companies who share the same concern. My intention is not to “shame girls” who do not share my opinions, I wish to inform us all of the scientifically proven psychological reasons behind dressing in a particular way and their cognitive and social ramifications.

      • I completely see and agree with your point, but please realise that parts of the article, esp in the first paragraph about Muslim women in the western world, though unintentionally, negatively alludes to the women under oppression more than the oppressive system itself.

  • I would be more inclined to believe the equality claims of Islam if the makes were also pushed into wearing the hijab. You say woven choose for themselves, well of course they do in a male dominated society if they don’t want to feel looked down upon and judged by their father’s and brothers, they’re taught young what will get them accepted and loved

  • All those Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab, yet know all its dangers in society , will be rewarded a tremendous reward. So well done to all those Muslim women who keep the hijab on! Just be patient, and believe me you will definitely be rewarded very shortly.

  • It is very sad that some women/girls leane hijjab because of the outside world. Be yourself because Allah SwT loves you for yourself and nows u. You can not pretend in front of him

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