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Khalid Latif

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  • Ma’sha’allah, I’ve only watched Part 1 at this point (will come back later for Part 2), but this is an excellent lecture – I hope many will take the time to watch and listen. It is an important, relevant and concerning issue of course and some of the other general points that come up in the context of this issue also need to be addressed in a larger sense within our communities.

    Jazak’Allahu Khairan

  • Ma Sha Allah. Good message. Is it just me or does the shaikh sound like he’s doing spoken word? That threw me off just a little.

  • Subhan’Allah I sat here & cried just watching Pt.1 – it truly hits home. JazakAllahu Khayran for posting these videos.

  • I think this was a great introduction to the topic of domestic abuse in the Muslim community. But there is still a lot to be said and done. Many abused Muslim women feel that the Qu’ran supports abuse because of the quote in Sura Nisa (4:34) where there is a reference made about men striking/beating/touching their disobedient wives . I would love to see an article addressing that quote in particular and how it impacts and guides the relationship between Muslim men and women in our world today.
    JazakAllahu Khayran for highlighting this issue in our community. May Allah help our Ummah heal ourselves.

  • Subhan’Allah…incredibly emotional. Hearing something like THIS gives me strength to cope with the things I have been through and seen in my life. Allahuakbar. May Allah (swt) reward Imam Latif for addressing this… It may be the first time I have ever heard this topic being addressed. And putting into coherent words exactly how UN alone it has made me feel seems to be impossible.

    May Allah (swt) protect our women, our boys, our men, our young girls… All those who are going through the struggle. May Allah protect us ALL. Ameen.

    Jazaakum Allahu Khairun

  • JazakaAllah khair for such a good talk. May Allah swt reward you and your family immensely for it. We need our brothers, fathers, husbands to think like brother Khalid.

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