Fasting & Ramadan

The Ramadan Nutrition and Workout Plan for Success: Women and Men

By Rehan Jalali, C.S.N.

2541659162_e116cbbbf7_bI am frequently asked, “How can I workout and eat properly while fasting?” Most people see the blessed month of Ramadan as a time when they will lose strength and muscle mass; some think they can only “maintain” themselves during this month, while many women actually gain weight! If you use some of the strategies I am about to share with you, you can make some of your best gains during Ramadan. It’s all about maximizing nutrient uptake, maintaining proper hydration, and modifying key fat-burning and muscle-building hormones in your favor–and of course PREPARATION — if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail! Plus, how can you truly maximize this month spiritually if your body is sick, tired, and your mind isn’t sharp?

First of all, let’s look at what happens to your body during Ramadan. While you are fasting, you become more dehydrated at rest – but actually less than if you had exercised aerobically for over an hour (so exercise causes greater dehydration for that time period versus fasting). Your main metabolic fuel source for bodily function during fasting is mainly fat, which is a good thing. So the goals during Ramadan are to maximize metabolism (even though your metabolism will slow down due to less frequent meals); preserve and enhance as much lean muscle mass as possible (which will inherently increase metabolic rate and allow you to burn more calories at rest); and maximize your workout (both cardio and weight training). During Ramadan, depending on your goals, I really recommend that you limit cardio to 2 days a week at the most. This is again to preserve as much lean muscle tissue as possible. There is actually research showing the health benefits of fasting. It is truly a physical purification. According to a study published in the reputable European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the researchers concluded “no detrimental effects on health have as yet been directly attributed to negative water balance at the levels that may be produced in Ramadan.” Other research has actually shown cardiovascular benefits of fasting during Ramadan — that is, IF you can avoid the IBS. No, that’s not irritable bowel syndrome – it’s the dreaded Iftar Binging Syndrome! It is vital to eat moderate to small meals even after iftar.

Training Times

Ok, enough of the background, let’s get to the meat of it! I am going to set the record straight here.  The best time to do a weight-training workout is NOT while fasting. This can create way too much muscle breakdown and cause a significant rise in the catabolic hormone cortisol. Training while in a state of dehydration can decrease strength significantly. In fact, research indicates that dehydrating a muscle by as little as 3% can cause a 12% loss in strength. Training while you are fasting can actually be more detrimental than beneficial! The best time to weight train during Ramadan is after taraweeh prayers at night. This will ensure that you will have several meals and plenty of water in your system before going to the gym. This will also allow you to consume your all-important post workout meal or shake which is essential muscle growth which leads to fat loss. If this is too late then the next best time to weight train is about 1 hour after iftar before tarawih prayer. You could do a short but intense 30 minute workout. The best time to do cardio work for maximum fat loss is before suhur – yep, that’s the truth. Of course, most people I know will not want to get up at around 3:30am and do cardio! If you CAN pull this off then the best thing to do is get up and drink plenty of water with a cup of coffee, green tea, or oolong tea, wait 30 minutes and perform 30-45 minutes of moderate intensity cardio work like a brisk walk on a treadmill. If this is out of the question for you, then the next best time to do cardio is approximately 30-45 minutes after a “light” iftar (I will define this shortly). Short, high intensity cardio like sprinting is actually great to do during Ramadan.  It takes less than 10 minutes and provides maximum benefit in terms of fat burning and lean muscle preservation! This isn’t “driving Miss Daisy” cardio – it’s very intensive: an example would be sprinting for 20-30 seconds at full speed (like a crazy dog is chasing you!) and then walking for one minute. Do 4-5 cycles like that and you’re good! Start slow, of course, and work your way up.

So now you know when to train, it’s time to learn what to eat and drink (think water, water, and more water!


Suhoor (The Pre-Dawn Meal)

For suhoor, it is imperative to drink plenty of water, eat a good blend of protein, carbohydrates, and essential fat. That’s right, “good fats” have many fat-burning and muscle-building properties, and their importance is even greater during Ramadan. Some good suhoor foods include:

  • Egg whites (1 yolk)
  • Chicken breast
  • Oatmeal
  • Cream of wheat
  • Protein shake
  • Cinnamon
  • Bananas
  • Raw, dark Honey
  • Raisins or dates
  • Fibrous vegetables –This will help increase the feeling of fullness as well.
  • All natural peanut butter
  • Flax seed oil – A great and tasty brand is Omega Swirl from Barleans –There’s a version for Women as well. (
  • Olive oil – preferably extra virgin (which means it’s cold processed and the essential fatty acids are preserved)
  • Plenty of water

It is important to take a solid multi-vitamin, multi-mineral supplement with suhoor as well to make sure daily minimum requirements of key nutrients are met. One good source for women is the Women’s Blend by Super Nutrition and a good one for men is Opti-Pack by Super Nutrition. Taking extra vitamin C and vitamin E can also be helpful. A great product is Emergen-C from Alacer. It is very important to watch your sodium intake at this time as high sodium can cause greater dehydration plus increase thirst during the day – not good for fasters. Avoid high sodium foods like soups, sauces, condiments, gravies, high sodium bread products, and canned meats. Of course eating fried foods and heavy oil items can cause heartburn and problems for you all day so it is best to avoid those if possible!

Iftar (Sunset Meal)

This is a key time for rehydration. The wisdom in Islam is never ending. We break our fast with dates and water but if you investigate this nutritionally, you will see that dates are very unique in their nutrient content. They contain very high levels of potassium (much more than a banana), a key re-hydration mineral and a special carbohydrate blend that enhances hydration above and beyond water alone. They contain a special blend of glucose and fructose for short and long term energy. They also have a special nutrient called beta D-glucan that is a soluble fiber that can enhance satiety and digestive health. So basically when you eat a date and water for iftar your body gets hydrated again much faster than with water alone (this is a complex topic but I don’t want to bore you with the details – You can think of dates and water as a very advanced form of Gatorade®).  In fact, clinical research published in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition entitled “The fruit of the date palm: its possible use as the best food for the future?” concluded that “dates may be considered as an almost ideal food, providing a wide range of essential nutrients and potential health benefits.”

You should also eat some quality protein at iftar time as well. I would first recommend three dates. For men, I recommend a meal replacement protein powder like Protein Rush from VPX Sports, Lean Body by Labrada, or Eat-Smart MRP from iSatori and for women, one scoop of a protein powder like Pro-Blend 55, Eat-Smart MRP from iSatori, and Low Carb protein from MRM. Of course, drink plenty of water – in fact, keep a water bottle with you at all times after sunset! Then 1-1.5 hours later have a food meal (or follow the schedule above for cardio). Then during taraweeh, depending if you pray 8 or 20 rak`at, have a protein bar (like Power Crunch) or ready-to-drink protein shake in the middle (not while you are praying of course!); or you can have another small protein and complex carbohydrate meal after the 8 rak`at. If you have a protein bar, drink plenty of water and then go train for about 30-45 minutes. For women, you can actually do 20 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of weight training at this time. For men, you can take a BCAA (branched chain amino acid) product like BCAA-G from MRM before, during and right after the workout to preserve lean muscle. After the workout, also have another nutrition shake with plenty of water. Eating small meals at night can trick your body into speeding up metabolic rate (not to mention increase nutrient absorption and stabilize insulin and blood sugar levels). Your body loves homeostasis and wants to maintain a certain balance – you literally have to shock it constantly to lose fat and gain muscle over the long run! There is so much wisdom in “Eat and drink but not to excess” and we should try and follow that especially during Ramadan.

Sample Ramadan Meal Plan for Fat Loss and Muscle Gain

*This plan is for a 170 lb MALE, please adjust amounts for bodyweight



  • Eat 6-8 egg whites (with one yolk)
  • One bowl of plain oatmeal w/cinnamon, raisins and a banana
  • 1 teaspoon all-natural peanut butter or olive oil or flax seed oil (1 tablespoon Barlean’s Omega Swirl)
  • Plenty of water (16-24 oz.)
  • Opti-pack by Super Nutrition (one pack) multi-vitamin/mineral


  • Three Dates and a Nutrition Shake (Protein Rush from VPX Sports, Lean Body by Labrada, or Eat-Smart MRP from iSatori)
  • Plenty of water

Sample Ramadan Meal Plan for Fat Loss and Muscle Gain

*This plan is for a 130 lb FEMALE, please adjust amounts for bodyweight)



  • Eat 3-4 egg whites (with one yolk)
  • ½ cup of plain oatmeal w/ cinammon, raisins and a small banana
  • 1 teaspoon all-natural peanut butter, almond butter or olive oil or flax seed oil (1 tablespoon Barlean’s Omega Swirl)
  • Plenty of water (16-24 oz.)
  • Women’s blend: 2 pills of multi-vitamin/multi-mineral


  • Three Dates and a Nutrition Shake-1 scoop w/12 oz water (Pro-Blend 55, Eat-Smart MRP from iSatori, and Low Carb protein from MRM)
  • Plenty of water


For cardio workouts: Do cardio 45 minutes after this meal for 30-45 minutes at a moderate pace or do a sprint workout if you have less time and then have the next meal before taraweeh. Have a cup of green tea, Oolong tea, or coffee with iftar on cardio days.

For weight training days: Eat another food meal before taraweeh like chicken breast (or baked salmon), brown rice and some veggies OR baked fish (salmon, tuna, orange roughy, or mahi mahi), sweet potato, and a garden salad or some steamed vegetables.

Drink plenty of water during taraweeh. Go to the gym after taraweeh. (If you pray 20 rak`at, have a protein bar in the middle of prayer). Drink plenty of water during the workout. For men, you can even have Accelerade or Powerade™ or another sports drink during the workout.

After the workout, have another Nutrition Shake and lots of water of course. Then sleep 45 minutes later or stay up all night eating and working like I do!

Following these simple workout and nutrition tips can really help you make great gains during this blessed month. May Allah help give us patience and strength in this month and throughout the year and make us strong mentally, internally, spiritually, and physically!

Top 5 Healthy Foods to eat During Ramadan

  1. Dates – They contain a unique blend of glucose and fructose and have a very high potassium content (about 64% more than bananas). They have a nutrient called beta-D-glucan which is a soluble fiber that has health benefits and can increase the feeling of fullness.
  2. Raw, Unfiltered Honey – This contains many phytochemicals and flavonoids that can enhance health. Honey is very good for increasing energy. It is an excellent source of antioxidants. In fact, ORAC tests show it has the highest level of antioxidants of virtually any natural food on earth! It even has anti-bacterial effects. Take 1-2 tablespoons daily.
  3. Fish – Eating fish regularly can have positive effects on health. The fish oils EPA and DHA have been shown to improve brain function, enhance cardiovascular health, and reduce inflammation among other things. Some of the best fish are cold water wild salmon, orange roughy, deep sea cod, sea bass, ahi tuna, mahi mahi, and tilapia.
  4. Figs – They contain key mineral such as calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium. They are also a great source of fiber and can support healthy blood sugar levels. Figs are an alkaline food which means they help balance the Ph of the body making it less acidic.
  5. Olive Oil – Contains omega 9 or oleic fatty acids. It has been shown to increase the good cholesterol (HDL) while lowering bad cholesterol (LDL). It also seems to have some antioxidant effects. Look for extra virgin olive oil (cold-pressed). Cooking with it can lower some of its benefits. Add it to food after it is cooked!

Happy Healthy Ramadan!

*The content of this article is for information purposes only. Please consult a physician before starting any nutrition, training, or supplementation program.

About the author

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  • assalaamu’aliakum

    3 things he left out:

    1. one spoon full of honey (sunnah for health)
    2. a multivitamin tablet
    3. and a du’a before and after fasting

    oh and zamzem is highly recommended.

    • Brother Moaz, he did not leave those things out. Ctrl-F is your friend 🙂

      1) “Raw, Dark Honey”
      2) “It is important to take a solid Multi-Vitamin/ multi-mineral supplement with suhur as well to make sure daily minimum requirements of key nutrients are met.”
      3) The aim of this article was maintaining good health during Ramadan. For the supplications for Suhur and Iftar, anyone can refer to Hisn al-Muslim for that.

      Jazakumullahu khayran.

  • This has been very informative, though it differs somewhat from what my doctors/personal trainer have advised for me. However, I think it is very well reasoned, and I especially appreciate the food recommendations.

    • This is a very well written article, ma sha’ Allah, but in spite of that you should always refer all fitness advice to your personal physician.

  • Rehan Jalali is a great guy, I remember watching him give a nutrition lecture last Ramadan at an Afghan event and I thought he was v. funny and informative.

    If your reading this, keep up the great work!

  • Yeah this is excellent bro. Really appreciate it.

    I like to eat less now more and more so I can focus on my ibadah so one issue is getting high protein into my diet. This is not just ramadan but on a regular basis. Any tips?


  • Shukran khtir…

    The information is very useful. I have heard of training (cardio) 30-40 mins before iftar??? Any thoughts on this…i know you said not to strength train but what about 20 mins of cardio before hand– to really shock da system and da fat from da body???

    I like to exercise after tarawee prayers…it’s going to be tough this time around because they dont have 24 hours gyms for females.

  • @Faiez

    Of course cardio after tarwee is fantastic…actually you could even do strength training — you have no restrictions. Only problem is if you not careful about what you are eating, if the food is too heavy and not nutritional you will feel sluggish and not want to exercise, or if you haven’t eaten anything in which case you wont have the energy to do anything.

    I like the food suggestions here, only thing I would say is to listen to your body’s needs and not just eat everything recommended in the plan, it might be too much for some as we are not the same body size or have the same muscle amount or the same gender but I see no difference between the male/female diet plans whilst training.

    One thing I do even when not fasting is to take something to drink or eat during training, especially if your session goes over 1.5 hours–if you dont take something you won’t have fuel to complete your program.

    Bi Tawfeeq inshallah

  • Please use wisdom and discernment if you read this article. “There is a time and place for all things”. Perhaps during a time that is designated to increase ones spirituality one might want to simply focus on the nutritional aspect and energy conservation…. this way one can really appreciate the spiritual benefits! Just my thoughts…Just my thoughts…. there will be time enough for working out when done.

    • Im on board with Andrew. With such a short time between iftar and taraweeh, our concern is our physical appearance, when if anything Allah swt is our provider and sustainer. We are willing to waste these precious moments over exercise?! When our predecessors used to give up everything and worship solely on Allah swt this month. Just look at the scene around us – people are dying in a flood, they will not be fortunate to see Ramadan and reap its rewards. What losers we are if we cannot see how in a blessed state Allah swt has placed us in, Astagfirullah. All one needs to do is to caution before eating, all the food will be available for you, but if u are really a fitness enthusiast know that the results are 80% dependent on what you eat and how you eat. Be mindful before your meals, Restrain yourselves and think of your ibadah. May Allah swt grant us the ability to recognise and remove our wordly distractions – its only one month in the whole year.

      • Asalamu alaykum,
        Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

        The Prophet (sa) said, “The strong believer is more dear and beloved to Allah.” (sahih).
        Instead of having a bad perception of your brothers and sisters by saying that they are concerned with their”Physical appearance,” it would be better to harbor a good suspicion and assume that they just want to stay fit.

        My experience is that working out tends to really help me with my worship since the blood is oxygenated and the muscles are moving. Also, such acts, like working out, are a form of worship that is praiseworthy in nature. Mashallah, most of the brothers I know who did it, keep their tariwh and qiyam prayers better than those who are bent over because they are out of shape and struggling with the Samosa bar at the local Masjid.


        • You honestly think anyone is going to do this during Ramadan? The time between iftar and taraweeh is too crammed. I don’t think this plan is realistic.

        • I’ve got to say I’m on board with Br. Suhaib on this one.
          If anyone thinks they aren’t get enough spirituality in there, they could always switch on some Islamic lectures on their ipod!

        • +1 @ Suhaib

          Being unfortunate enough have lapsed, I am relearning my religion and this information is very useful as I would like to maintain my fitness regime. But trust me the spiritual aspects are impressed upon me all day. The trick is for me to manage my time incorporating my usual activities but focusing in my soul at this time.

      • There are people who work-out everyday, why should they stop during Ramadhan?

        A good Muslim is a productive Muslim and manages time well, if you plan than inshAllah you shall have ample time for Ibaadah, Work and even exercise. Infact any act done with good intentions becomes ibaadah, even work-outs can be ibadaah [looking good for your spouse, being fit for ibaadah etc]. While you are exercising, nothing is stopping you from doing tasbeeh, dhikr or listening to Qur’an.

        Infact it is even more important to work-out during Ramadhan because many people feel listless and lazy.. exercise helps you bring up your energy levels.

        I think it was a very good article! JazakAllah Khair to the author for penning it. Articles like these are good service to the Ummah. May Allah give us tawfiq to stay fit muslims.

  • Any recommendations for nutrition during Ramadan for sisters – specifically sisters that are around 5’3 and 117lbs? I love the gym and workout 5 to 6 days a week for 1 to 2 hours. Since the days are getting longer, it’s going to be harder to work out after iftar during Ramadan. Also, any recommendations on types of exercises to do? I typically do high intensity cardio for 30min to an hour, and then alternate between yoga and weight training. This might be a little too intense for Ramadan, but I’d love to see a similar article written for sisters since women have different exercise and nutrition needs.

    • As salaamu alaikum,

      Sister it is better to do cardio pilates and weight training. During Ramadan I have lost between 15-20 pounds(postnatal) and 5 pounds when in good shape. Before suhoor and after tarawih (30 minutes each time is best).

      Also for all I would recommend coconut water over any energy drink as it is 100% natural and more accessible than zamzam water.

  • Salams Suhail,

    I really appreciate this article. I am a Cardiologist and specialize in nutrition and weight loss and agree with the majority of your article. Like yourself, I also am into body building and keep myself busy playing football, basketball, and soccer with most of my free time. This is a great article for young Muslim men to read.

    I agree with the vast majority of your article with the following clarifications:

    1. You can’t lose just fat. When people are losing weight they do lose both fat and muscle. Your plan above helps minimize muscle loss, but it will still happen.

    2. I am not a big fan of multivitamin pills. You are just paying for expensive urine. Multivitamins contain very little of what they say they contain and it’s usually unusable. Americans are not deficient in anything (other than Vit D), we don’t need extra supplements. Taking a pill and thinking you are “covered” for your daily requirements is a bad idea. Our diet is never deficient in anything. The only thing we need to supplement is Vitamin D… we don’t get enough. And by taking a multivitamin you are getting 20-30 different “vitamins”, but you are missing out on the over 200 vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other good stuff in an apple, date or in an orange.

    3. As a Cardiologist, I am not against eating egg yellows. People should eat the yolks. Eating cholesterol has not been shown to raise your cholesterol. In fact, overfeeding people cholesterol has been shown to raise your good cholesterol and not affect your other numbers by much. What people should avoid is saturated fat. Any fat that is solid at room temperature (butter, cheese, steak fat, chicken skin, etc). That is what raises cholesterol. Use liquid fats (olive oil, veggie oil, etc)

    4. Vitamins E and C have not shown to be useful in most large trials. In fact, taking antioxidants in pill form has been shown to be dangerous and increase cardiac death and mortality. People should not be encouraged to take “antioxidant” pills, but rather eat the real sources of antioxidants (fruits, dates, tea, honey, peanuts, etc), which you also suggest.

    5. Flaxseed oil is a great source of Omega 3s. But it’s the wrong Omega 3s. You want EPA and DHA…. flaxseed doesn’t have as much of those. Fish oil has tons of DHA and EPA…. that’s the Omega 3 you should be taking. I have an entire section on supplements on my diet website:

    If you’d like to actually lose weight during Ramadan, check out my other article:

    Feel free to visit my website to read up on nutrition, metabolism, resetting your body, and how you can lose weight. It’s totally free! No subscriptions, no registration, no fees… nothing! I just want people to lose weight.

    Thank you once again for this very useful article. I will be referring people to this often.
    Dr. Mohammed Alo
    Internal Medicine
    Cardiovascular Medicine

  • asalaamu alaykum,
    maybe it is just me, but unless you’re unwell and or particularly weak, i don’t get all the food replacement this and protein that. on the one hand this article talks about good food then it talks about sports shakes.

    why not just eat good food? or is that too simple. i am no scholar but i can’t imagine people from the past sitting down and scientificaly working out how much powder of this and that to take. yes-the body can digest liquids more efficiently than foods, but we are designed to eat food for a reason. surely.
    also there are alot of fads that go around these days bennifitting certain companies-there is no harm in eating egg yolks everything in modderation of course, but i mean its ramadhan, and yes you can just by egg whites, but why not just buy, or keep chickens and use a fresh egg and eat it all? throwing away an egg yolk, at any time but especially in ramadhan, is not a practice for me.
    6 egg whites-i understand this is written for people who are engaged in extensive training but 6? for me that is some what excessive, i’d rather have two full eggs.

    i think the food suggestions as i say are very good-but then along side the shakes it becomes abit contradictory for me.

    “” miss out the shake, actually eat, and you will have enough fullness.

    “You should also eat some quality protein at iftar time as well. I would first recommend three dates. For men, I recommend a meal replacement protein powder
    Protein Rush from VPX Sports,
    Lean Body by
    or Eat-Smart MRP from
    and for women, one scoop of a protein powder like
    Pro-Blend 55,”
    again note the word eat, followed by drink this and that protein shake….

    no offensive meant….
    wa alaykum asalaam

  • Salaam,

    This is kind of weird, but working out during ramadan will give you a freakish strength. I mean unbelievalbe strength, strength beyond strength.

    In high school, during ramadan, i would participate in the early morning wresting conditioning. At noon i would be in footbal strength and conditioning, and then in the evening i would be in wrestling practice. Wallahi, i was unbeatable. iman translated into strength.

    Whats even crazier is that towards the middle of ramadan, the whole team gave up water breaks until the end of ramadan.


  • Thanks a lot for the very informative article/s. I am a 70 years of age. Previous Ramadan I did do the cardio and light weight in the afternoon i e after Dohar prayers and experienced an excellent result …. Thanks once again.


  • Salam

    Jizak Allah for this excellent article. Just what I was looking for.

    Just to add, Tesco sells the goodness protein shake, which is ready made, low in carbs and high in protein, costs only £1.49. Calorie is about 283.


  • just a quick query about the consumption of fish oil supplements, as majority or most of the fish oil supplements in the market comes in a “softgel” capsule, any idea if they are made of pork based gelatin or halal animal ?

    • If you ask the people behind the counter, oftentimes they are nice enough to call the company and find out for you, if they don’t already know.

  • I was wondering if you had any tips for those who are trying NOT to lose weight during ramadhan? The focus everywhere is usually on how to lose weight so it’s really hard for those of us that are underweight to find help on how to gain it. Jazak Allah khair for the article, though. I was able to pick up a number of tips on good eating habits.

  • wellcome ramadan karim is the month of kind is the month of no eatling ramadan has 3 thinks the first ten has kind second tnth 4gives the last tenth is protecting to the hell of fire soo plz protect your self

  • Mashallah Very well written article. I always felt bad for leaving workout during ramadaan.
    I would HIGHLY recommend you to write an article for all of us brothers and sisters on different workout plans after the month of ramadaan.
    By different i mean :
    Weight Loss
    Fat Burn
    Weight Training
    Fat Burn + Weight Training (for people like me :p)

    May allah bless us all in this sacred month. Dua Dua and Dua.

  • Salaamun ‘Alaikum,

    At first I thought this was a joke. But then I realized the writer was serious 🙂

    I didn’t realize the Month of Ramadhan was also the Month of Israf. I understand, the fast will last well over 12 hours but that doesn’t mean you eat a carton of eggs and gallon of water in the morning.

    Israf in any form is forbidden. And it’s unfortunate that during the Month of Ramadhan, so many Muslims turn their stomachs into graveyards by turning their mouths in trash compactors. Either it’s fatty trash or “nutrition” trash it’s trash nonetheless.

    We must feel hungry throughout the day and throughout the night, eating only just enough. This month is of reflection through physical and spiritual purification. The idea is to reach the state of Fitr, of re-birth.

    Israf will pull you away from Fitr. The diet dictated has more to do with the material ego than spiritual cleansing. Eating during Tarawih? If tarawih is so strenuous that your stomach is rambling and find yourself looking at your watch — its better that you don’t do Tarawih. You are not ready for it. Work on the wajibat, and then once you’ve perfected the obligatory acts of worship move to the mustahabat.

    Thank you but from the stand point of the essence of Ramadhan, these advices are far from it.

    Wa Salaam,

    • What a very strange response. Having a lot of eggs and water for suhoor is israf (extravagance)? How about compared to having a fancy curry + roti + biryani, etc, etc..?

      I think we shouldn’t look only at the quantity of food but rather the quality and the simplicity of the meal planthat he is suggesting.

      WAllahu alem

      • Walaikum Salaam,

        I don’t think I suggested we should eat fancy curry + roti + biryani — either. The ‘aimmah did iftar with a piece of bread and a pinch of salt. There’s wisdom in that. We need to reflect on it.

        • Can you provide some substantiation for this from any authentic source, especially considering the Quran praises not poverty, but moderation, has countless verses on the blessings God has granted through the variety of foods, from dates, to grapes, to meats of animals of all different kinds, grains as well, and so on?

          Fasting is to gain taqwa to apply in the moral realm, not to gain asceticism for the sake of it. That is a Christian and Hindu virtue.

  • Beautiful plan, great for keeping sound mind and body during Ramadan. But I don’t do suhoor… so I wonder if the fat loss will be as potent just after iftar…

  • Honestly, some one is offering some constructive advice. Someone who by the way is a health expert and so many of you come out of the woodwork to attack his contribution for no reason.

    This sounds like what’s wrong with the ummah right here. There’s always those who would nitpick at someone else’s efforts to better themselves or their situation.

    If you dont agree, dont look at it, dont do it, but certainly don’t ruin the mood of people who want to make themselves better.

  • I have a question re: the recommendation for women
    Three Dates and a Nutrition Shake-1 scoop w/12 oz water (Pro-Blend 55, Eat-Smart MRP from iSatori, and Low Carb protein from MRM)

    the 1-scoop – is it 1 scoop of each Pro-Blend 55, the MRP & the protein from MRM? or is it 1-scoop total of each?
    Thank you.

  • The exercise suggestions part of this article are totally unrealistic. If you get up early for suhoor you should be focused on reading Qur’an or praying. Outside of Ramadan no one really gets up this early to exercise or for any other reason, so why would you waste the benefits Ramadan by exercising at this time?

    Of course people should look out for their health during Ramadan, but not exercising for a month is not going cause significant problems for most people.

    The advice needs to be realistic, otherwise it’s just not very useful.

  • […] The Ramadan Nutrition and Workout Plan for Success: Women and Men By Rehan Jalali, C.S.N. I am frequently asked, “How can I workout and eat properly while fasting?” Most people see the blessed month of Ramadan as a time when they will lose strength and muscle mass; some think they can only “maintain” themselves during this month, while many women actually gain weight! If you use […] […]

  • really i think this article is great! i was overweight but when i started working out and lost weight. it actually helped me with my iman and ihsan. a strong beleiver is better than a weak beleiver.

  • thanks for the article. but the heavy advertisement on supplements was really not needed. Forget protein shakes, eat real food. That’s what any pro bodybuilder will tell you also and my cousin is and IFBB pro bodybuilder…

  • As a sister already mentioned, what if someone is looking to gain weight (in muscle mass) during Ramadan. I think working out and heading to the gym (between iftaar and tarwih) will be difficult for me during Ramadan but are there any exercises recommended that we could do at home?

  • […] 4) Hydrate!!! Drink water before and after you fast, at least 16-32 oz’s with Suhur and Iftaar. Keep a large water bottle next to you throughout the night. Many of these tips come from research conducted by Rehan Jalali, a Certified Sports Nutritionist based in Canada. He has lectured on Ramadan nutrition for years throughout the Muslim community and wrote an extensive article on Imam Suhaib Webb’s website. If you’re interested in more tips, check out the article below: —- >>>Click here to see the bodybuilder, Rehan Jelali’s, website. >>>Cliek here for the Full Article “The Ramadan Nutrirtion and Workout Plan for Succe… […]

  • Brother, MashAllah! I was looking for this information all over and I was asking trainers all over my gym, but i wasnt satisfied. But all of this information is pretty informative. I really appreciate for that for putting this here. JazakhAllah.

  • salam to all my brothers and sisters
    before reading this topic i was stressing out about what and how should i plan my workout plans.
    after reading this i realised i was stressing for no reason
    thank you and
    RAMADAN MUBARAK to all in advance 🙂

  • slmz.

    while reading your diet plan, u have written that fish is good during ramadaan. i’v heard that fish dehydrates a fasting person. is this true?

    jazakallah in advance.
    ramadaan mubaruk.

  • Salam alaykum,
    I was in dire need of something like this. Absolutely loved it! jazak’Allah khair for all your efforts and Ramadan Mubarak.

  • Just wanted to say THANK YOU SINCERELY for making this plan. Its a little old but the information does not change and I look forward to following this in order to have a productive and successful Ramadan.

    Jazak’Allah Khair
    Ramadan Mubarak

  • […] too many Muslim friends). In any case, my friend posted a link about exercising and Ramadan.​onaldvlpt/worship/fasting-rama​dan/the-ramadan-nutrition-and-​w… I really liked this article especially how does one fit fasting and working out […]

  • Why so much negativity people? The mans trying to help; Ramadan or not, we should treat our bodies with respect and take care of them as they are God’s gift (one of many) to us. Like one brother said, we should assume the positive. The preachers want to preach and put others down forgetting that we should also try be nicer to one another during this month. May God guide us all.

    Thanks again for the article bro.

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to write this out! I was looking for something exactly like this to guide me through the month. It’s always frustrating when you can FEEL yourself becoming weak and unhealthy over the course of the month, and you have to work around taraweeh as the only realistic work out time.

    Time to go grocery shopping. 🙂

  • What a great article — informative, well-written, with lots in it that most of us who live in overfed and under-active countries should probably think about. Ramadan emphasizes spiritual strength, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t still live in our bodies during the month and beyond it. Weak bodies often lead to weak spirits, too, and working on both would benefit most people in life and in worship, I imagine. I’m grateful for the recommendations and suggestions in this article. Thanks for taking the time to write it.

  • Thank you so much for sharing! Ive tried several things to eat prior to running, but nothing works. Just to hydrate I practicing drinking a few sips of coconut water and electrolyte replacement water. I will try your suggestions.

  • People, relax and remember this religion is based on mercy.

    Quit hating on people who are finding creative ways to stay in shape during this blessed month.

    Shame on all Muslims here who’ve grown up in the States and should know better than to hate on Muslims for not being religious enough.

    Ya Lateef!

  • Unfortunately, some of this information is based in conventional wisdom.

    What proof do you have that muscle breakdown occurs when training while fasted?

    There is empirical and anecdotal evidence that proves the complete opposite. Additionally, I fasted every day for 6 weeks and trained fasted exclusively which include 6 days a week of walking 30-90 minutes as well as 3-5 days of high intensity strength training. I’ve lost weight and my relative strength is above what it used to be when calculating one-rep maxes in relation to body weight.

  • Thanx 4 this wonderful info. I will try doing cardio twice a week after Iftar. Ramadan Mubarak to evrybody!

  • Have a protein bar during taraweeh?
    Go to gym after taraweeh?
    Eat nothing but eggs, oats, and protein shakes?

    This is just your cookie cutter nonsense from Muscle and Fiction magazines.

    • Agreed. Everyone has a different body and lifestyle. These cookie cutter plans don’t work. People need plans tailored to their situation.

    • This plan is for 30 days, not for the rest of your working out days. The “plan” here is the same for everyone; we’re all fasting for 30 days and for pretty much the same amount of time. Time is not a luxury during Ramadan. So yes, have a protein bar during taraweeh, go to gym after taraweeh and yes eat nothing but eggs, oats, and protein shakes. We can go back to our crazy mass building workouts after Ramadan is over. But for now this is a great way to eat live this month without binging. If you have something better, then please enlighten us with your plan. Otherwise keep your sarcasm to yourself. Salam

    • agreed! with all that exercise when are you meant to devote time to praying and other good deeds. You dont need all that much protein and actually you can train whilst fasting.

  • What i understand from this article, regarding the exercise, of course, is that there is sleep deprivation. Studies show that we need 7-8 hrs of sleep also to maximize health benefits. For a person who works this is difficult to keep up. There really has to be some fancy foot work during Ramadhan to make this work. I also assume that means that invitations need to be kept to a minimum, in order to stay on schedule.

    The idea is simple, but it is not easy!

    • Sallam W Brother/Sister,

      Thanks for your information, also I have a query

      The plan your recommended for female Sample Ramadan Meal Plan for Fat Loss and Muscle Gain, about the 3-4 egg whites (with one yolk) is it cooked or raw?

      Jasakulahu khair

      • Make sure you cook the egg. Half boiled, hard boiled or whatever. Raw egg can make you very very sick.

        Stay safe.

        • I’d say skip the egg whites/yolk to be safe, and try Greek Yogurt 0%. It has 18g of protein in 3/4 cup of yogurt. Safer alternative. All natural, bacterial culture, and skimmed milk.

  • As salaam alaikum,

    I started out trying this diet (minus the vitamins, protein shakes and workout sessions) to see how my body would feel with just this food in my system. I have to admit that at first it was weird eating the eggs, oatmeal, bananas, peanut butter and raisins for suhoor with nothing but lots of water.. But then as the day went on I noticed not feeling tired or hungry.
    The big surprise was when I had dinner, the normal feeling of exhaustion that I was used to feeling the Ramadans prior to this one, was completely non-existant. I dismissed it as the first day and decided to assess myself at the end of the week when I could properly say I gave this nutrition plan a go.

    It’s been about a week now and I still feel amazing alhumdulillah. I’m not hungry during the day, I don’t crash after dinner and I don’t yawn or feel tired during Taraweeh. It’s mainly about what foods you decide to eat and how much of them you’re eating.

    Trust me, with all those bountiful dinners and gatherings it’s not easy for me either, but if you’re smart and stick to the plan your body will thank you.

    Here’s how I started..
    Suhoor: 1 bowl of oatmeal or cream of wheat (alternate) w/1 tsp of peanut butter mixed in, topped with half a banana sliced and a handful of golden raisins. 2 egg whites and 1 whole egg scrambled and a bottle or 2 of water.

    Iftaar: 3 dates and a bottle of water

    Dinner: a small portion of whatever is on the table. I make sure it has 1 protein, and 1 vegetable and then eat it with a half cup of rice.

    I eat whatever I didn’t get to after Taraweeh but make sure to keep the portion small.

    I’ll incorporate the vitamins and the protein shakes next week and start working out insha’Allah.

    Sorry this was so long but I had to share my results properly. Hope it helped i’A!

    Your body is an Amana from Allah (swt) that he’s given us Ramadan to cleanse spiritually and physically, don’t miss this golden opportunity to detox and get rewarded for it!!. GNC’s got nothin on this! 🙂

  • Salaam.

    Thank you for the article, but as a student of Human Nutrition I have to question some of your dietary advice. The lack of variety means very little nutrients are being ingested. You recommend vitamins but these, in the scientific community, are not ideal because they are not absorbed by the body as efficiently as from whole foods. And where is the fruit and vegetables? People can achieve their daily requirements easily with a few pieces of fruit and a few cups of vegetables a day. Also, when you suggest egg whites with only one egg yolk, I fear people may become wasteful by throwing away the other egg yolks. In ramadan and indeed in daily life outside of this month, we are taught not to be wasteful. This is especially important given the humanitarian crisis in Somalia.

      • This was my original concern as well, A little research on the topic and I found many uses for the yolk thats not consumed. Some examples I found were skin treatment, hair and scalp treatment, finger paint (for those that have kids), and some recipes call for only the yolk.

  • Salams. Great article by the way brother!

    @ Moccona

    There is actually a variety of things here that provide the body with a full spectrum of nutrients, electrolytes, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. Not to mention the additional use of optional supplements.

    Macronutrients all mentioned above.


    Electrolytes all mentioned above as well


    -Honey (In my opinion, there are not to many things more superior, and its natural, comes from Allah SWT)
    -Steamed Veggies
    -Olive Oil


    He covered everything brother, and much more. Maybe you didn’t read the article thoroughly? Dates, Figs, & Raisins are fruits. So those were covered as well. We all also know that multi-vitamins are not the optimal source for vitamins and minerals etc, but they do help fill in the gaps. Also, going above and beyond, he mentioned Branched Chained Amino Acids (BCAA’s).

    As far as they egg yolk arguement, yo do know that egg whites can be purchased from the store without yolks, right? And even if they were not readily available you can used them to cook with as well iin other dishes. No offense brother, but I feel as if you were being slightly arrogant by questioning the Authors dietary advice. Considering he is a Certified Sports Nutritionist and you are like you said, just a student, I think you can learn a thing or two from him.


  • Salaam everyone,
    I read this article beginning of Ramadan & thought it was crazzzzy to workout during Ramadan but I knew that Ramadan would be the perfect opportunity to start eating really healthy. So, I decided to change my diet completely during Ramadan. 16 days into Ramadan & I have lost 8 pounds. SubhanAllah.
    I did not work out at all. I simply ate really filling meals for both sahoor & iftaar that were very health concious.

    Every morning for sahoor I eat egg white only scrambled eggs with small pieces of chicken breast with whole wheat toast, low fat greek yogurt, half cup of fat free skim milk, two full 8 oz glasses of water & sometimes I exchange something for like cheerios.

    Then for iftaar I start with two glasses of water, a organic fruit juice blend I make at home, consisting of 5 kale leaves, two apples, & a few oranges. Then I eat whatever is served but in small portions. I have totally cut out rice & white bread. I eat one or two small friend items. Usually I eat some sort of vegetables either steamed, simply stir fried or sauteed with either chicken or salmon. I always make sure to eat a cup of fruit salad. After taraweeh I drink half a cup of green tea.

    Alhamdulilah I have been able to stick to eating really healthy for the past two weeks & I am hoping to carry this past Ramadan.

    Also, I try to walk as much as possible. If I go to work or grocery store I park as far as possible so that I can walk more.

  • Rehan, this is fantastic. Exactly what I’ve been looking for as its always been difficult for me to manage my diet during Ramadan. Thanks much!

  • Do you think doing Insanity (the p90x workout) 6 days a week during Ramadan would be a bad idea? And I’m speaking strictly in terms of bodily processes, such as fat loss, metabolism, muscle gain, etc. Insanity is a high intense cardio session that lasts approx. 30-45 minutes. I would be more than ready to do it, as long as I’m not harming my body in anyway. Thanks!!

    • i luv humus and i eat dat durin suhoor wid whole wheat bread….it somehow keeps me feelin full…..also i wanted to kno how abt taking acetyl L.carnitine at suhoor??
      As workout is concerned, i cant leav it as im into modelling and dont wanna loose the cuts….specially the abs…..hence i eat a date or two @iftaar and run to the gym with a protien shake……is this ok??

      • try not eating hummus, even if it keeps you full. Hummus is not good, its really high in calories and sodium. Its about 100 or so calories and 8 g of fat per 3 tbsps. @iftar what your doing is good, dates are really rich in potassium as mentioned in the article. and the protein shake is also good, will give u lots of energy. if that doesnt fill you up. eat something like a salad with grilled chicken or something. And theres no need to really hit the gym, try doing “insanity” its a workout by teambeach body. it will definatly keep you in shape and will give u more cardio, it’s high intensity, but it gives you amazing results, even if your already cut. Make sure you give urself a rest after having iftar, dont go to your workout right away. try doing it before sehri by like an hour or two then at sehri drink ALOT of water and eat well.

    • I have the same question about Insanity. Accompanied with the proper nutritional intake, will Insanity work and prove beneficial?

  • Salam to everyone.

    First of all, thank you for the very informational article. Before i read this article I just wondering what I have to do and what I can eat within the Ramadan and now I know exactly what I need to do. I just have an inquiry about the meal replacement. Can I use other brand such as Dymatize Elite Fusion 7?

  • Salaam

    I want to try this unique routine, good stuff!
    but i wanted to know how i can adapt it to this years ramadan! in the uk we have iftar at 9.30pm then Suhoor will be around 1.30am…


  • Salam, Well to start this off , im only 15. I’m currently doing the Team beachbody workout insanity by shaun t. . since ramadhan is coming up im planning to restart insanity all over. I like the idea of this article, but not really the meal plan, i hate eggs >.>.

  • So basically i started doing high intensity interval training (HIIT) a couple of weeks ago but as ramadan is coming up i guess i have to stop that? I dont really wanna harm my body or lose any type of muscle. Should i just walk everyday for about 45mins everyday?

    • i think the author mentions it’s a great time to do HIIT – sprints for 30s and walk for 1 minute… but short bouts of course. Not an hour long session!

  • Thanks alot for the detailed tip on Ramadan nutrition and workout. I have been looking for a way to fit in workout in Ramadan,

  • This article is very informational. My problem is that I have my iftar around 8.30. And I think that it is a lil bit late to do exercises after that time. What’s your suggestion? Thanks.

  • The dietary suggestions are essentially what I follow whenever I’ve fasted during ramadan or for mustahab and I’ve found it carries me through the day and night with strength and energy. The meals help me avoid the feeling of over indulging at sehri or iftaar (which I found in the past made me more hungry and have less energy). The timeline proposed is difficult if you work during the day. I don’t work out at a gym or home, I do brazillian jiu jitsu and muay thai and unfortunately, the classes aren’t offered after 10 o clock at night. Personally I’ve found that if you need to work out during the fast its really important not to work out too early in the fast and to work out near iftaar where you are able to eat almost immediately after. By eating a smart iftaar as mentioned above, I’ve found I make some of my best gains during Ramadan. However, when I workout and then go home and do a stupid over indulgent iftaar I actually get fatter (after all, this is how sumo’s put on weight, by having intense work outs on empty stomachs and then binge eating on rice). This article is amazing and its so nice to see Muslims educating themselves in various disciplines and sharing their knowledge such that we can perform our Islamic duties safely and knowledgeably. Hamdulillah.

    • Assamoualaikum!
      Thank you very much for ur post! I’m also planning to do some muscle toning exercises at the gym BEFORE IFTAAR. However,I’m confused what to eat for iftaar…If you eat a heavy meal,u’ll end up stocking all the calories,like the sumos…at sehri time,I eat very little and fast,so that I can go to sleep…otherwise i’ll feel tired and sleepy all the day…also,if u eat a heavy meal at sehri and go to sleep,it’s not wise neither…
      can you advise me please…:)

  • Thank you! Ramadhan Kareem full of peace, happiness, and prosperity! I imagine eating olives is better than uncooked olive oil?

  • Salams, Most likely working out post-iftar or pre-suhur is not realistic. Its the only time you have to spend with your family and going to the mosque. Most brothers and sisters I know actually do workout while fasting. What is your remedy on that? I have read in many places that keeping a workout light and under 45 min will help you do that. The goal in Ramadan for most people who workout realistically wont be to gain muscle, but more so to keep what they have already, maintain without loosing too much. I have a problem of loosing weight quick. I think your meal plans do make sense and one can get in 4 meals while fasting.
    1. Light iftar (8pm): dates, protein shake, tuna or chicken, with some vegetables or salad. Lots of water.
    2. Right before Taraweh (930pm): sandwhich tuna/chicken, pasta, potatoes, 6 egg whites, oatmeal, vitamins, protein shake. Lots of water!(reverse osmosis and oxygenated water – better hydration)
    3. before going to bed (11pm): Casein shake, fruits, peanut butter, some essential AAcids, Omega 3s, water water water.
    4. Suhur: 6 egg whites, Chicken breasts/Tuna, steamed vegetables, sweet potatoes, handful almond/cashews, protein shake. water!

    I can only workout in the afternoon at lunch time, due to family and spiritual reasons after work.. Pre-suhur almost impossible..

    What you say RJ?

  • working out during fasting does not cause that much muscle break down as compared to fat break down… as long as you are taking in a good amount of calories for sahoor and eating light for iftar you should be fine… try to keep your sahoor and post taraweeh meals highly protein concentrated and high calorie in general (iftars should be light)

  • Suhaib:

    I’ve read the article a couple of times in order to come up with my personal plan. This is looking awesome; however, I do have a question:

    If I do my 45 minute moderate cardio following a “light iftaar”, then could I eat my full-meal right after the work out? I have a small baby and I would love to quickly eat, pray Isha’, and fall asleep right away

    Morning cardio doesn’t work for me at all! Please advise!

  • Asak! I find the diet good just now i read it but i wanna loose 15-17 pounds in another 15 days…..Iam very keen about dieting, I diet a lot and iam doing aerobics after taraawee but i need a proper diet but i want to loose so, can anyone give me a diet plan through which i can loose 15-17pounds in 15days….Iam 24years old and i love dieting n workouts..plz dont advice me that its not healthy although i knew it but i want to loose as its my marriage.. so, can i get a diet plan….i have lost almost 10kgs in one month with protein diet but as for ramadan i am dieting but i dont know the perfect plan…

  • Jzk for the kind words. I hope this article benefits the believers. Please keep me in your duas. Peace. P.S. I would reiterate NOT training at all during the fast-the dehydration is the main issue.

    -Rehan Jalali

  • I don’t know if my eyes just can’t handle looking through all the comments, but I feel like my two most important questions are left unanswered:

    1. How do you follow this plan and still get a healthy amount of sleep to be a productive employee from 8am-4pm?

    2. Is it healthy to do a P90x or Insanity workout, or do we switch to something less physically demanding?

    These questions become more important with a Ramadan like this year’s where the sun is up at 3:45ish and down at 8:30ish. I’m most worried about the sleep deprivation because I know I don’t function well when I get less than 7.5 hrs.

  • I was just wondering if I could run 30min before Iftar. Or do some intense cardio for 30 min before Iftar. If you know what I mean?

  • Thanks for a great article.

    I will be doing the ‘warm up’ part of Insanity workout (about 20 minutes but intense) 3 times a week and then 2 shortened weights workouts (variations of 5×5)a week.

    First time exercising during Ramadan, so it is interesting to see if I can fit in the exercise with fasting and prayer.

  • Salaams, I am 34 year old female that is trying to tone my body. I am 5”6 and 140 lbs. I am trying to lose abdomen weight but hold muscle in other parts of body. With long summer hours for next week Ramadan do you think I can still accomplish what I have been working so hard to achieve over the past month that I began this fines journey? Shukran

  • I think turning ramadan into a diet , however well intentioned seems to be missing the point. The meaning of ramadan is to confront the appetites of the nafs and to delay them. There are people who observe Ramadan who do not have to fast from food (ill health or travel) – clearly there is more to this month that telling people to tone up.

    why not write this article for Rabiul-Awwal, Rabi-uthani, Jumadi-ul-Awwal or Jumadi-uthani;

    Muzaffar al-Qirmisini said,

    “Hunger supported by contentment is the meadow of reflection, the spring of wisdom, the life of intelligence, and the lamp of the heart.”

  • Salams,
    I want to benefit in all aspects of my life this Ramadan, spiritually, physically and emotionally. I love the workout plan but do you do cardio and weight training on alternate days and when do you drink the protein shakes? During Ifatar or after workouts or both?Im a bit confused and is Slim fast a good alternative for nutirition shakes?
    Thanks and May ALLAH reward you and us all for efforts to keep the body he gave us clean and healthy

  • How do you get egg whites without wasting the yolk? I don’t like the egg whites that comes in the cartons. Is it haram to dispose of the yolk all together?

    • creativity people! use it to brush pastries which turns it nice and golden… ? Add to quiche, add to bobotie…. really

  • Great post, but flawed in terms of training. I’ll explain below, but the overarching theme is that the suggestions are purely impractical for working individuals / professionals.

    1. Working out after Taraweeh. This is not a good recommendation at all, unless you can afford to remain awake for at least one hour post-workout completion. Given that Taraweeh prayers are ending around midnight (in NY), the average person will finish their workout around 1AM, and that’s only IF they planned properly by readying and wearing all of their workout gear to Taraweeh. Increasing your heart rate at such an hour will require the body some cool-down time and thus requiring the individual to remain awake – especially with the recommendation of HIT (high-intensity training). By the time you wrap-up and are all tucked away in bed, you’re looking at approximately 2AM. Again, not practical when you have to wake up for Suhoor in about an hour and then proceed to work in the morning thereafter.

    2. Working out 1 hour after Iftar and before Taraweeh. This is not possible. Iftar is currently at ~8:30PM (in NY) and Isha/Taraweeh starts at about 10:15PM. How is it possible, as suggested, to start your workout at 9:30PM and make it to prayers on time? While I agree this makes the most sense, but given the time constraints you’ll hardly get in a quality workout. This recommendation is again, DOA (dead on arrival).

    3. Working out before Suhoor. DISCLAIMER: If you enter Ramadan working out less than 3 days a week on average, then this recommendation is NOT for you. This is probably the most legitimate recommendation, but probably the least favorite with the vast majority. If the individual can get into their workout by 2AM / 2:30AM they should be able to produce a high-quality workout with the proper nutrition on the backend to supplement. However, please be reminded that there are significant risks to working out on only two hours of sleep. Therefore, this recommendation should only be for advanced trainers / workout enthusiasts and not the mass, general public who want to employ some form of fitness during Ramadan.

    In my humble and honest opinion, I believe the most practical workout time for the vast majority of working professionals is one hour pre-Iftar. I agree that you won’t be as strong going into the workout, but with the ability to rehydrate and supplement immediately after should partially compensate for the loss of strength. Also, the rush of sugar and immediate light-headedness that comes from breaking your fast should subside with a pre-Iftar workout. You’ll also have plenty of time to cool-down and stretch during the nightly prayers as well as get the proper rest during the challenging month.

    Other thoughts:
    As someone who’s completed P90X – don’t do it during Ramadan. While the workouts are indeed tough, the most important element to the program is the nutrition. And given the abstinence from food and drink, one cannot properly regulate their metabolism during the month and therefore will not be able to get the proper nutrition necessary for the program to be effective.

    Just my two cents. Hope this helps and provides some guidance.


  • This is very good article. Infact i was searching from couple of days and here I have found perfect workout plan in Ramadan..:)

  • Salaam,

    Thank you for all the good info and suggestions. My main concern is how to squeeze In my work outs while fasting. After Iftar it gets to be really late and most times I end up choosing sleep over the work out. The most convenient time would be right before Iftar but as the article mentioned it would be more detrimental than beneficial to do any kind of strength training. So it would only be cardio and over a period of 30 days would cause me to loose lean muscle mass.

    So I’m still trying to figure out a solution – anyone try working out right before Iftar? How do you do it without any water? My goal during normal work outs is to maximize water intake so this seems like the biggest challenge. Any suggestions?

  • There are two things wrong with this article.

    1. Your body will consume muscle for energy first, not fat for energy during the day. Once all the muscle is gone then you get to the fat burning.
    2. It’s all about timing and getting enough sleep, lack of sleep has a bigger impact on performance than nutrition.

  • During a Q&A session with at the Nazarbayev University
    in Kazakhstan’s capital Astana, Mr Cameron said MPs should let the government
    get on with it, itself. The Independent Police Complaints Commission, which will
    set rates, to make it bigger david cameron than
    ever. Last week, Mr Cameron acknowledged voters’ anxieties about cuts,
    inflation and the prospects of recovery.

  • An excellent and useful article,inshallah will help everyone of us in the blessing month of Ramadan.

  • Salamz..

    I’m a professional lawyer, plus have been training for over 15years with both weights and cardio.

    From my research no food no water …plus training is bad for your body.

    You can train with only water ..but no water can cause damage.

    If you wish to fast …approx 16hrs a day for 30days…I suggest you do your research.

    You will find that all professional in this area strongly suggest you don’t train.

    Most importantly…after opening fast ..drink water…then more water…then some more..

  • I did this a couple years ago for Ramadan. I ate oatmeal in the morning no butter or anything, then 3 cups of water 20oz bottle. Upon breaking my fast I had the water and dates. Then salmon no seasonings and steamed veggies no seasonings. And fruit! All types especially watermelon. I worked out right after fajr for about 30mins or so on elliptical or treadmill. I felt great! Took my nap inbetween dhur and asr went to school and work. I chose no seasonings because our bodies hold on to everything we eat at this time. So spicy foods may cause you to be bloated or gassy and salty foods may cause you to retain water, plus its not healthy anyways. So to each is own but this is what I did. At the time I weighed about 215lbs 23yrs old and at the end I lost 20 lbs which wasn’t a goal it just happened. I am going to do this again Insha’Allah cause it was a good meal plan for me. Try it if you want. May this Ramadan 2014 be even better than the last for all of us! -Ameen

    • Salaams,

      It is NOT HEALTHY to lose 12 kgs in a month. You need 3 months for it to happens without compromising your health. If you eat properly this Ramadan and workout you can expect to lose 4-5 kgs for the month. If you lose more than that you will gain it all back in eid trust me. Gradual weight loss will last you your whole life. Use Ramadan to form healthy habits that will lead you to lose weight healthily even after Ramadan is over.

  • Assalamoualaikoum,

    Allah subhanhou taala and his prophet pbuh planned it enough for us:

    Slowly start with dates and water for iftar.

    Avoid excess junk and factory processed foods.

    Introduce fruits and veggies( cooked with good fats like olive oil).

    Doing your prayers, your Taraweeh and Walking should be good enough to boost your metabolism and support your digestive system.

    May Allah bless accept your fasting.

  • […] A few more tips to help combat getting hangry: go for a light walk, seclude yourself or do a few yoga exercises. Some deep breathing and alone time can do some amazing things. Exercising late at night can also do a body good since working out while fasting is not advisable. You can find a pretty awesome Ramadan workout  and nutrition plan here. […]

  • salams all,

    I see a few of you commented on Rehan’s expertise in nutrition. I am not questioning your expertise but please do some research on Rehan Jalali ( He is one of the top nutrisionists in the US. He has done nutrition for Sylvester Stallone, Ben Affleck in upcoming Batman etc. I’m sure you can see the results there yourself. His advice here is a general principle on what to eat during ramadan, it is not meant as a personal plan catered for any of us, that would take consultation. And look at the testimonials of people who actually tried this plan, all are POSITIVE right?

    also, Rehan is a practicing Muslim and very down to earth mashaAllah. So try his plan and don’t be haters. 🙂



  • Thank you so much Rehan for this very informative article! I just have a few question for women, do we have to dissolve one scoop of EACH protein supplement into 12oz of water or is it just one of the aforementioned brands(pro blend 55, eat smart MRP, low carb proteinMRP)? Also is that ALL we eat for Iftar until next morning suhoor?


  • JazakAllah khair!! Great article and so helpful for both my husband and I. Can’t wait to incorporate some of your tips and advice this Ramadan, in sha Allah!

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