Islamic Studies

Sen. Obama is the Man! Get out and Vote!

Asalamu alaykum,

I want to take some time, again after a year and half, to encourage all to register to vote and support Sen. Barak Obama. Although there are certain things I disagree with, I hold that the benefits of Sen. Obama over Sen. Mccain leave a Muslim no choice but to vote for the former. Izi Din Abdul Salam noted that if a Muslim has the choice between two leaders, he should choose the one who will bring the most goodness and justice to the society. I want to express my sincere hope in Allah that my choice will be pleasing to Him and ask Him to guide our leaders towards what is good and just for all. I want to encourage all Muslim citizens to investigate both candidates, observe DNC and RNC’s programs, pray istikhara and make a profound choice.

I understand that some will question Sen. Obama’s positions on what is going on overseas, however, if we fail to support him, we are surely giving weight to a person who has said that, “The war will last 100 years.” Before we can clean our neighbors yard, we must work to strengthen our own. From Cannibalistic loans, thrown at minority communities and the destruction of programs like Affirmative Action and Head Start, Muslims cannot afford to watch as the Republicans destroy this country by leveling the axe on the necks of the poor and weak.

Many will question the validity of voting. While I certainly empathize with that, I tend towards the position of the majority of scholars and great Shari’ah legal minds who hold that: “It is acceptable for Muslims to vote in Western Democracies.” The largest body of Muslim scholars, the Fiqh Council of Jidda, headed by the Mufti of Saudi Arabia along with scholars such as Sh. Bin Bayyah, Dr. al-Qaradawi, Dr. Wahba Zuhaili, Dr. Taha Jabir al-‘Awani, Sh. Abdul Karim Zaydan, Dr. Munir Farid Wasil, former Mufti of Egypt and others released an entire journal on the subject that stated that voting in the West is not only permissible, but encouraged.

Malcolm X, who changed his position towards the end of his life; even encouraging others to vote, said, “Your either part of the problem, or part of the solution.” Let’s make a stand, invest in our future and contribute. I feel a great personal responsibility towards this election and wanted to write something that shares my feelings.

Allah knows best


About the author

Suhaib Webb

Suhaib Webb is a contemporary American-Muslim educator, activist, and lecturer. His work bridges classical and contemporary Islamic thought, addressing issues of cultural, social and political relevance to Muslims in the West. After converting to Islam in 1992, Webb left his career in the music industry to pursue his passion in education. He earned a Bachelor’s in Education from the University of Central Oklahoma and received intensive private training in the Islamic Sciences under a renowned Muslim Scholar of Senegalese descent. Webb was hired as the Imam at the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, where he gave khutbas (sermons), taught religious classes, and provided counselling to families and young people; he also served as an Imam and resident scholar in communities across the U.S.

From 2004-2010, Suhaib Webb studied at the world’s preeminent Islamic institution of learning, Al-Azhar University, in the College of Shari`ah. During this time, after several years of studying the Arabic Language and the Islamic legal tradition, he also served as the head of the English Translation Department at Dar al-Ifta al-Misriyyah.

Outside of his studies at Al-Azhar, Suhaib Webb completed the memorization of the Quran in the city of Makkah, Saudi Arabia. He has been granted numerous traditional teaching licenses (ijazat), adhering to centuries-old Islamic scholarly practice of ensuring the highest standards of scholarship. Webb was named one of the 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center in 2010.


  • Asalamu alaykum,

    I gather you’re expecting replies to this post (at least I hope you are). Anyhow, I must say that I agree with what you say…but, I do have days when I wish most Americans would not vote as an expression of their dissatisfaction with the candidates.

    I do wish Muslims would register to vote and throw their political weight around like everyone else. For the most part, we’re a highly educated populace that knows the issues well. Unfortunately, as we tend to be/do with most everything else, we are dividend along various lines. To me, that’s been our downfall. Insha’ Allah the younger generations will deal better with that issue.

  • Salams all

    I don’t know anything abut McCain’s stance on Palestine, but what Obama said was so biased towards Israel, it completely put me off him. I guess McCain is probably pro-Israeli too. My family in Palestine are currently going through a lot of hardship, as are all the muslims there and the Presidents of America are continuing to supply Israel with $3 billion a year regardless of the terror they are inflicting. Why then, should we vote these people in, when they are supporting injustice?

  • Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

    Brother Suhaib,

    I hope this message finds you in the best of health and in the highest of Imaan. Do you have the link to the above mentioned journal in Arabic? I would like to reference it to get a better understanding of the Muftee ash-Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aali ash-Shaykh’s (hafithahullah) insight regarding this matter.

    Baaraka Allahu feekum
    Your brother in Islaam,
    Aboo ‘Imraan al-Mekseekee

  • Dear UK resident,

    If you are an American then you must differentiate between your relationship with your family’s country (and al-quds is a Muslim cause that we all stand by) and your country by which you have made a legal pact in taking the citizenship. The reality is that there will be no presidents in the near future who are against Israel or who support equal treatment and recognition with Palestine. Allah knows best but that seems like a fact just as the sun going down at maghrib today. So face that fact and look into the rest of the issue’s that each candidate represent and make your decision. My decision is to vote for Obama. Maybe this will help-

    May Allah join our word on Obama. 2 million + votes is no joke!

  • Assalamu alaikum

    Jzk Abu Majeed for you kind reply.

    I have never registered to vote before because all these politicians seem to be working for the same cause. The morality of the world is in decline, people are shooting eachother, the gap between the rich and the poor is evergrowing and muslim lands are under attack. Although it might seem the contrary, I am not a negative person, I do try to look at the bright side of things. Neither McCain or Obama have impressed me!

    Its like, in the UK for example Blair and New Labour had promised so much – and people are still waiting 10 years later for the delivery! I have written to MPs about various issues, including Palestine, and they all say the same thing but in different ways.

    I think the only way we are gonna have an impact on politics is if muslims have a lobby too. The Jewish lobby is probably one of the most powerful group on earth, because of this it doesn’t matter how inhuman Palestinians are treated as no politicain is brave enough to stand up to the Jewish lobby.

    Allah says that He does not change the state of a people until they change the state of thier hearts. There are so many muslims being oppressed, displaced etc, maybe we need to all work on our iman and look inwardly, as well as trying to contirbute to society in a positive way, and inshAllah then things will start to get better.

    With the curruption in politics at the moment, is voting going to help?

  • Aboo Imraan,

    Asalamu alaykum:

    It is available in a one of the Figh Council journals. They are published yearly and I have them in Cairo. Inshallah, upon my return to Cairo I will get the reference to you. Let me make clear that he does not mention any specific candidate, but his name is on every fatwa written in the texts as well as a brief introduction on the subject. It is an awesome collection with writing of some of the greatest fuqaha alive.


  • walaikumsalaam

    Uk resident I would like to tell you that yes they are both ‘pro israel’ but mcain is worse because he does not support the peace process while obama does. Obama also visited israel and palestine while mcain only visited israel. another thing to note is that after a survey u will c that more palestinians have their hope on obama than mcain. so again it is imp for muslims to vote so the one that is worse for the america world or palestinians doesnt get elected inshAllah

  • SubhanAllah.. vote for Obama? The man didn’t even glance at muslims yet muslims are encouraging to vote for him? Imam Webb.. do you have a reason for encouraging muslims, who look to you for guidance, to take part in enabling this taghut? Do you not think that democracy is based on falsehood? Why then are you encouraging participation?

  • Wa alikum Salaam

    I now strongly believe how naive people are, agreeing to a law other than shariah is kufr.Have people not learnt their lesson from the constant betrayal? Yet they continue to be loyal to a system which is a direct enemy of Islam.

    Just a reminder, in the last two decades about 3 million people have been killed just in Iraq, due to these policies. The war, the sanction, the destruction of food factories, and the second invasion and the civil war.

    The cause of misunderstood facts, blind by the bigger pictures some have by mistake opposed the shariah, thinking there is some greater benefit. But the real fact is, as Islam teaches us walaa wal baraa, a part of Aqeedah which is dropped hence the disunity amonsgt the muslims themselves.

    Different face, same policy.

    Stop being stupid.

  • Assalamu alaikum

    Jzk Abu Majeed for you kind reply.

    I have never registered to vote before because all these politicians seem to be working for the same cause. The morality of the world is in decline, people are shooting eachother, the gap between the rich and the poor is evergrowing and muslim lands are under attack. Although it might seem the contrary, I am not a negative person, I do try to look at the bright side of things. Neither McCain or Obama have impressed me!

    Its like, in the UK for example Blair and New Labour had promised so much – and people are still waiting 10 years later for the delivery! I have written to MPs about various issues, including Palestine, and they all say the same thing but in different ways.

    I think the only way we are gonna have an impact on politics is if muslims have a lobby too. The Jewish lobby is probably one of the most powerful group on earth, because of this it doesn't matter how inhuman Palestinians are treated as no politicain is brave enough to stand up to the Jewish lobby.

    Allah says that He does not change the state of a people until they change the state of thier hearts. There are so many muslims being oppressed, displaced etc, maybe we need to all work on our iman and look inwardly, as well as trying to contirbute to society in a positive way, and inshAllah then things will start to get better.

    With the curruption in politics at the moment, is voting going to help?

  • As salamu alaikum,

    Truly Allah knows best. Brother Webb, wallah I love your lectures and articles and I frequently visit your website. I was doing a search for anything related to “istikhara” and this article posted and I couldn’t help but open it when I read the title to the article and the author.

    Brother Webb, I hope that as a leader of the Muslim community in the U.S. you understand your influence and impact. You are very popular mashaAllah and influential.

    I honestly hope that this year when you write an article about who you encourage people to vote for, that firstly you apologize to the Muslim community for encouraging a person like Obama and that you make a better choice.

    I think its such a shame when leaders promote certain leaders and fail to realize two things. One, they don’t realize the power of their influence and the importance of it. Two, they have not done real diligent research into the candidates they endorse.

    This is not a sports game where you go for the NYG or Patriots. These leaders literally have peoples lives in their hand and if you had a clue what goodness and justice meant you would not have encouraged people to vote for Obama or McCain. You would have realized that the only person actually talking about justice was Ron Paul. I don’t care what party he is from or what color his skin is. Or how cool it would be to have a black President because that is not what justice is about.

    Wallah, I really thought hard about being diplomatic about this. I pray Allah forgives me if there is any harm in the tone I have taken. I also hope that you respond to this thoroughly. I have much respect for you, the level of knowledge you have of our beautiful deen, and how you teach it with such ease. You are a blessed brother and hate to loose respect over something you seem to know very little about, politics. Or at least that was the case when you posted this.

    Please respond to me brother. Do not be like all the other leaders of the Muslim community who’s words are empty. By that I mean, you made a statement and made a stance, now either back it up or retract it.

    Much love and peace,
    As salamu alaikum

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