Before Marriage Qur'an With the Divine

Hook Up with the Quran, Allah Will Hook You Up

Originally published in April 2010.

Part I | Part II

Veiled from sight, a young woman walked down the streets of Cairo, reciting Qur’an to herself and thinking about her goals. She loved the Qur’an and was passionate about studying and teaching it. She wanted to move to Saudi Arabia where she knew of Qur’anic scholars from whom she dreamt of learning. She was mesmerized by Makkah and Madinah; she’d find herself spending hours making du`a’ (supplication) to visit the House of her Lord in Ramadan, to make the journey of Hajj, to walk through the land of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (peace be upon him). Working on a Master’s degree and traveling for hours in traffic to come to her students’ homes and teach them Qur’an never caused her to complain; she was constantly working on reviewing her Qur’an; she had memorized it completely from years past and she continued to review it to ensure it never left her heart.

Suddenly, she was stopped by a random lady on the road. “Excuse me,” the lady inquired, peering into the eyes of the girl whose heart burned with the inscription of the Words of Allah, whose face was veiled by her niqaab (face covering), whose hands were covered by gloves and whose body was cloaked by a long, flowing outer garment. “Are you married or engaged?” the lady asked. Staring at the lady, the young woman replied in the negative, hesitant, yet curious at such a loaded question from a random passerby. Especially considering her outer dress, the lady certainly wasn’t asking because she found the young woman to be ridiculously beautiful. She could have no idea of what the young woman looked like. “I have a brother,” the lady explained, “He’s Egyptian, but he lives in Saudi Arabia. He has memorized the entire Qur’an. He has qualifications to teach it. He’s looking to get married. Might you be interested?”

After more conversation, the young woman exchanged information with the random woman on the street. Soon, their families initiated contact and within weeks, the brother of the lady had come to visit the young woman and her family. With time, prayers and lots of consultation, the young woman finally agreed; she would marry the young man with whom she would live in Saudi Arabia, the young man who helped her plan to make Hajj that very year, the young man who had already memorized the Qur’an and who dedicated his heart to Allah’s Book, the young man—now her husband—to whom she was introduced by a random lady on the road.

This story may seem strange, dangerous, even, and implausible. If I was reading it or if someone else had shared it with me, I would be skeptical and even concerned for the woman being approached by a random stranger on the street. But this is the hook-up story of my Qur’an teacher. I knew her before she got married and from the very first day we met for class she told me, “Please pray for me! I want to move to Saudi Arabia so I can study with the scholars of Qur’an there!” This was after she already had an ijaza (certification) in memorization and was working on another one. The incident of her walking on the street happened a few years after we had first met, after many years of her praying to God to open the doors for her. She shared the story with me herself and she’s now been happily married for years, blessed with two children (may God love both of them!) and is living in her dream location.

She devoted her life to the Qur’an and to her studies. She focused on her objectives in being a servant of God and of His Book and maintained that focus in every aspect of her life. I would have never imagined that she’d get married to someone who was the missing piece to everything she was looking for and even more, yet I should have realized that my puny imagination is nothing in comparison to God’s Power and Decree. God hooked my Qur’an teacher up big time and it could easily be argued that it was because she hooked up with the Book of God.

Connecting with the Book of God can mean being hooked up in the best of ways in every realm of life. Marriage, graduate school, studying overseas, relationship with one’s parents, getting a job, passing the SATs with high scores… you dream of it, say it, yearn for it, want it…Who’s going to really give it to you? Your Facebook friends? Or the Lord and Ruler of All the Worlds?

Allah, the Exalted, has told us in a Holy Hadith, “…the most beloved thing with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him/her; and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing nawafil (voluntary prayers or doing extra deeds besides what is obligatory) until I love him/her, (so much so that) I become his/her hearing with which he/she hears, and his/her sight with which he/she sees, and his/her hand with which he/she strikes, and his/her leg with which he/she walks; and if he/she asks Me something, I will surely give him/her, and if he/she seeks My Protection (refuge), I will surely protect him/her.”

And get this—God might not give you exactly what you want when you beg of Him in supplication- but because He loves you, He’ll always give you something better. The Prophet (peace be upon him) has taught us, “Any Muslim who supplicates to God in a du`a’ which contains no sin breaking of kinship, God will give him one of three things: either his du`a’ will be immediately answered or, it will be saved for him in the hereafter, or it will turn away an equivalent amount of evil (from him).” The companions said, “So we will ask for more.” He replied, “Allah is more [generous].”[Ahmad]

Maybe marriage isn’t actually great for you, maybe that specific job won’t actually be everything you’ve dreamed, but when we connect with Allah, regardless of the outcome of our affairs, we can be certain that He will always give us whatever will ultimately bring us eternal happiness, if we’re sincere and determined to work for it as well.

So, how can begin this connection? How can we be of those who do our best to do obligatory actions and then run to our Lord through extra acts of worship, as He tells us in the aforementioned hadith (narration)?

Let’s take my Qur’an teacher’s example- let’s hook up with the Qur’an!  Let’s make the intention to become the people of the Qur’an! Let’s begin just by believing with certainty that we want to make a connection with Allah’s Words and that we want it to play a pivotal role in our lives. Once we’ve made that commitment, here’s a suggested plan of action:

  1. If we’re in school, working or have family or obligations and are already squeezed for time, let’s make a commitment to begin by reading the Qur’an on a daily basis and in a language we understand because the point is to understand it and make that crazy strong connection with it.
    • If we already know how to read Arabic but don’t understand what we’re reading: begin by making a set amount of Qur’an that we’ll read everyday in both the Arabic and translation. For example, if I know I’m intensely busy or intensely lazy, let me make a commitment to start with just five verses a day, both in English and in Arabic (if possible) and let me make sure I don’t sleep without reading my Qur’an for that day.
      • Suggestion: for those of us who just can’t get off our laptops and always lament wasting more time than we were hoping, make a sticky note to put somewhere on your laptop which reads something like, “Have you connected with God’s Book today?”
  2. If you can make a commitment from now to memorize the Qur’an, start looking for a teacher who can help you with tajweed (proper recitation) and once you’re ready, memorization. If you can’t find anyone in your area, then find a Qur’an buddy near you who can help you read and learn the basics until you find someone who can fully teach you. If you live in the middle of Kentucky and there’s really no one near you at all, search online for programs which teach tajweed which you can do via Skype or other means from your own home (such as Studio Arabiya). For readers: please write in online programs you recommend in the comments section. Set a goal for yourself, write it down and work on moving forward weekly. Thus, within a month, instead of having never opened the Qur’an, inshaAllah (God willing) you’ll have perhaps even an entire new chapter memorized!
  3. If you are not yet able to read Arabic, keep up with reading the translation and when you can, try to begin learning the language of the Qur’an. There are a ton of online programs for this now. However, never let language stop you from connecting with the Qur’an. Read the translation in any language with which you find easiest to connect, and with time, you’ll inshaAllah be pleasantly shocked at how much you’re finding your personal perspective to be one of the Qur’anic narrative.

Finally, if sometimes you’re feeling apathetic; finding yourself slipping, realizing your heart feeling bored with trying to make a connection with the Qur’an- change your mindset. Stand up, say bismillah (in the name of God) and seek refuge with God from the accursed Devil, jump up and call in a loud and exciting voice with an enormous grin on your face, “THE QUR’AN IS MY BEST FRIEND!!!” Maybe it’s not completely true yet, but inshaAllah with enough convincing your brain and moving your body in an excitable way, your total physical response to the Qur’an, combined with your newfound daily relationship with the Book of Allah, will help your neurons make positive connections which they will soon need more than your lungs need air.

Let’s make the Qur’an our best friend. When we’re sad, lonely, depressed and frustrated, let’s say, “I needa vent with the Book of Allah,” and just recite it all out, connecting with Allah’s Words, finding ourselves in awe of the relevance of His Book to the exact tribulation we’re experiencing. When we’re elated, let’s say, “I can’t wait to tell all of this to my best friend!!!” and run to the Qur’an, excited (or fake excitement- fake it till you convince yourself to make it, inshaAllah!) about reading what words God will make apparent to us next; shocked at the fact that even though we’ve read the same surah a hundred times over, we don’t remember ever reading the very same dynamic words ever before.

And when we’re too busy, let’s realize how eager we’d be if some public figure we thought was amazing just called us up on our cells; wouldn’t we make time, wouldn’t our adrenaline suddenly rush when we see who’s actually calling us?

So then, let’s rush with that same vigor to drop everything to make time for the most important One –Rabb al `alameen, the Lord of the Worlds, and have a strong relationship with the Words which He has revealed to take us from the darkenesses of this life to the one light and to help us be a means of reformation in society.

The Prophet ﷺ taught us, The Companions of the Quran are the People of Allah, and His Favored People,” [an Nasaaie]. Let us be of Allah’s Favored People- those who work to recite the Qur’an by day and night, work to memorize, understand and live by it and take it as our best friend.

Whatever we’re seeking, in this life or the next, let’s connect with the Book of Allah and have certainty that because of the sincerity of our investment, God will hook us up in whatever ways are best.

About the author

Maryam Amirebrahimi

Maryam Amirebrahimi received her master’s in Education from UCLA, where her research focused on the effects of mentorship rooted in Critical Race Theory for urban high school students of color. She holds a bachelor’s in Child and Adolescent Development from San Jose State University, where she served as the President of the Muslim Student Association for two consecutive years. Currently, she is pursuing a second bachelor’s degree in Islamic Studies through Al Azhar University’s distance learning program. Maryam spent a year studying the Arabic language and Qur’an in Cairo, Egypt, and has memorized the Qur’an. She has been presented the Student of the Year award by former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and holds a second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Maryam frequently travels to work with different communities to address a variety of social issues and writes about topics related to social realities, women’s studies and spiritual connections on


  • SubhanAllah! Beautiful article that came along at just the right time. Allah indeed is Gracious & Merciful <3

  • Read it everyday, done.
    Read it both in arabic and translation, done.
    Read it with tadjweed, done.
    Read it with teacher & friends via skype, done.
    Memorizing it, next step, amien.
    Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Allamin 🙂

  • Salamualaykum,
    thank you for yet another reminder, and may Allah (SWT) reward you greatly for it.

    As for those who want to learn to read and write arabic, learn tajweed or help with memorization with dedicated teachers, here is a great website that you can visit:

    The courses are conducted over skype, you set a schedule that suits you, and subhanallah, you’ll be surprised how quickly you learn.

  • Mariam-You have no idea how much this article has inspired me! I am really going to use your pointers next time I find myself wasting time! JazakAllah Khair! keep writing these great pieces!

  • Beautiful reminder-jazaki’Allahu khayran
    Quraan is most certainly a very pleasant addiction- you just have to get your daily fix- otherwise your day just isnt the same!

  • Subhanallah,came across this article posted by one of fb frenz. it is an eye opener n gain insight on the importance of reading the Quran.. insyaallah with Allah’s grace n help will need to perk up in this area.. ameen

  • You have helped me so much, I was down in the dumps, with no one to talk to but myself, May Allah give you the best.

  • Asalamu Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,

    I strongly recommend Al Huda Institute for sisters ( They have online Taleem al Quraan courses, where you learn the tafseer and memorize the word to word translation of the entire qur’an! They also teach tajweed and other subjects. Even if you’re a beginner who is struggling with reciting fluently (like I was!), this is the perfect program.

    I’m taking Taleem Al Quran 2010 right now and alhamdulilah I can understand most of the Arabic text, without translation. 🙂 I never knew I could do this, Alhamdulillah for the opportunity. May Allah grant us all success and the ability to develop love and attachment with the Quran. Ameen.

    Go to > Courses > Online Courses and from there on, go to “English courses”

    They have part time as well as full time courses.

    • Walaikum assalam, yes I have heard about Al Huda Institute, its the perfect thing for us beginners. JazakiAllah khairan sister 🙂

    • Jazakallah sister An-Nahl for the link.
      I am too a student of Taleem al Quran 2011, and alhumdulillah it is the best thing that ever happened to me. I have improved my tajweed, arabic, grammer, and tafseer.
      May Allah keep us steadfast. Ameen

  • Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

    Jazakallahu Khaira for this beautiful piece.

    If anybody wants to learn tajweed online from a qualified teacher (FREE!). I’m saying this from my personal online learning experience. You will enjoy learning Tajweed. I recommend you to visit the following links

    1. Makharij Videos (Points of articulation)

    2. Tajweed Audio Lessons 1-30.

    Teacher – Khaled Bouchafaa is a highly qualified teacher and has been teaching Quran and tajweed for the last 22 years in various Islamic colleges and masjids. Currently, he is a teacher of Quran in the largest Islamic School of Australia, is a volunteer Imam and provides tajweed lessons in English and Arabic in his local area. He has been authorised by the Qurra to teach this sacred knowledge of tajweed and Quran.

  • I love this article, jazakAllah khayr. May Allah reward us all for our efforts 🙂 Currently I am taking a part-time, online Classical Arabic course from Even though I’m only a beginner, I must say it is AMAZING. There’s even a free Arabic Alphabet course if you’re not confident on that. This program is unique in a sense that most other Arabic courses lean towards MODERN and conversational Arabic, but this is specially designed for understanding and appreciating the literary miracles of the Quran. Try it out, there’s even a free trial! Love u all for the sake of Allah, my brothers n sisters in Islam! A sis from Singapore, xoxo 🙂

  • Allahu Akbar, I love this reminder. May Allah make us all people of the Quran and make the Quran the spring of our hearts.

  • You asked that commenters recommend a good website for learning tajweed. For English speaking Muslims who want to learn tajweed (or use as a teaching resource), visit

    This website contains detailed tajweed rules per post. And the author warmly welcomes any questions regarding tajweed, makhaarijul huroof or sifaatul huroof.

    I ask Allah to perfect our intentions and keep us firm on His religion.

  • Jazak’Allahu Khairan – have loved both parts to this topic and have shared it with those near and dear. Super duper beneficial for all of us in a general sense and of course, us singles out there. 🙂

  • Salam,

    Masha Allah very nice article.May Allah reward you for this .Ameen. I wanted to share some of the best websites i have come accross. [ Intensive Arabic Lang Learning course-very interesting ] [ Excellent for begining ] [ Great for Tafsir and Islamic Talks ] [ Word for word eng translation of whole quran – amazing and extremely useful]

    Jazak Allah Khairun

  • Assalamu ‘alaikum.

    May Allah bless you for the nice reminder. My Qur’an teacher always reminds us of just what u stated above….that if we become serious with Qur’an, then Allah will honour and raise us both in dunya and akhirah.
    May Allah grant him & u jannah for such wonderful reminders.

  • Assalamualaykum,

    thnx for such a great informative article, plz keep it up,

    As for those who want to learn to read and write arabic, learn tajweed or help with memorization with dedicated teachers, here is a great website that you can visit:

    The courses are conducted over skype, you set a schedule that suits you, and subhanallah, you’ll be surprised how quickly you learn.

  • Assalam o alaikum,

    good job bro,

    I recently joined an online quran learning school that provides online quran courses, I just wanna say that the online teaching method of is amazingly awesome, they also provide online tajweed, quran memorization and translation classes for USA, Canada and European countries,
    Jazakallah Khair

  • The Quran is the way of life the happiness of life the greatness of life the key in life our abode to paradise follow it and the sunnah and well br granted the best of the best and most of all what my heart beats for my thoughts hurts for my tears fall for my life lives for my soul dying for and that’s the day I see Allah swt and his beloved our habeeb Mohammed saw and our angels prophets ahl al batt asahaba my life is for the after life! You reliZe this through the Quran and sunnah. This girls story I pray that my story end up similar and I know Allah is there for those people who r for him . This story brought me to tear I relate to it at the age22 I alhamduulah given up everything that dosent have something to do with the worship of Allah on a road of memorizing the Quran inshallah I will complete it with ease and Tafseer and tajweed with Saba al nuzul and everything that it consists of.though my heart yearns for the helping those who are lost in this Worldly life especially in the set my eyes tear for the disobeying of Allah swt all over and I wish I can help it get better and it yearns for allahswt house and masjid anabawi rusuli Saw and the dream of feeling closer and closer to them in this dunya until I meet them inshallah. Though my life right now i don’t leave the house on cultural aspects though I still take advantage of it and have become my own teacher and in thirst of knowledge and I ask Allah atawfiqqq and thank him for guiding me the reality of life and thats that it’s not reality the life after is the reality .yea this is life though the real true life is Hereafter I ask Allah of the best of both and give me the advantage to do everything u can to worship him in the best way possible even if it would not even add up to a drop of what he’s swt has given us.may allahswt grant all Muslims Jenna ameen

  • […] Hook Up with the Quran, Allah Will Hook You Up by Maryam Amir-Ebrahimi Part II of a reminder to hook up with the Book of Allah and have certainty that because of the sincerity of our investment, Allah (swt) will hook us up in whatever ways are best. […]

  • Without any doubt, Allah knows everything!!
    Al-Qur.aan Surah Verse 59
    And with Him are the keys of the unseen; none knows them except Him. And He knows what is on the land and in the sea. Not a leaf falls but that He knows it. And no grain is there within the darknesses of the earth and no moist or dry [thing] but that it is [written] in a clear record.

  • A Salaam Alleikoum ya ochti Maryam,

    What is the name of your teacher in Egypt, is she still taking students? Where else did you study while in Egypt, and whom did you contact to help organize your stay?

    Qualbi fi Messer, inch’Allah I would like to study Arabic and Quran in Egypt, may Allah reward you a thousand times for any contacts or suggestions you might be able to share.

    Jazeki Allah Chairan, wa a Salaam Alleikoum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

    ochtaki sakeenah

      I’ve come across this site by chance, with my urge to learn more about quran, I shall say that this article has given me the missed pieces that I was recently looking for, how to begin a new but creative relationship with Quran, not just to recite it, to memorize it, but to be friend with it, to let it be a part of your life, your soul, and to have this urge to tell everyone out there, out loud, what is Quran that I’ve come to know, a source of iman, of inspiration, of a shining beauty.
      May Allah give you the best reward!

  • Simply loved this article. I have relied on Allah (SWT) and the Quran in the times of difficulty and have always found it to be completely trustworthy and reliable and something that has never let me down and has always come through from sources never imagined. His (SWT) Word, His (SWT) Help and His (SWT) Promises are true. Now in times of ease what is best than memorizing, reciting and learning His (SWT) Words? If you have it in your heart, you will not be dependent on your eyesight, or written form, or translations. Please pray for me to have the taufiq to memorize and understand the Quran without translation and to act upon it. JazakAllah also to all the people who shared the sites for Quran learning.

  • MashaAllah!! JazakAllah Khair Sr Maryam. I had abandoned learning and memorizing the Quran to get my intentions correct. And alhamdulilah this has really motivated me to regain my lost focus. May Allah reward you doubly for every syllable we read of the Quran. Ameen

  • masyaallah…rush and full our time with Quran..Hope God will hook us up in whatever ways are best…

  • Assalaamoalaikum
    Truly inspiring
    I live in Saudi Arabia too alhumdolillah…would it be possible to get in touch with this Quran teacher, I live in Jeddah.


  • Good post.

    I’m in the process of putting together a couple of Android apps to help people build and monitor their relationship with the Qur’an. You can find them on Google Play here:

    They’re both works in progress so expect a lot more features over the coming year insha-Allah. Hope it is of benefit and stick up a review if you found them useful!

  • Alhamdulillah this really inspired me and I have written it boldly and pasted it at d front if my door.jazakillahu khairan

  • HI,
    PLEASE CHANGE YOUR TITLE. IT IS INAPPROPRIATE (…WILL HOOK UP WITH YOU). if some will say its you who has a “dirty mind” then they’re wrong. the word itself means something inappropriate so please i am not saying this to insult but to advise.

  • SalaamuAlaikum. Just wanted to say, may Allah bless and shower you with nothing but goodness in this world and Hereafter. May Allah grant and enter you and your loved ones to the highest station of Jannah (Al Firdows). Love reading your absolutely fantastic articles. Ive bookmarked your article on my phone and when I go through a moment or period of weakness in eman, I quickly come on here and remind myself to keep it together. Lastly, would like to say, please make lots of dua that I implement all which is mentioned in (in my day to day life)your articles, please

    Jazak Allahu khairan

    Your brother in Islam, Junaid.

    Keep up the brilliant work Insha’Allah. May Allah bless you and your family with long health and life and grant you a life full of happiness and bliss!

  • Assalam-alaikam,
    It’s really awesome. Arabic language is an integral part of Islamic religion, in fact an inseparable part. Arabic is the language of the Holy Qur’an, the mother tongue of the Noble Prophet. Through learning Arabic language we will be able to understand Islam in a true manner. I just want to say that the online teaching method of ( is amazingly awesome. Thank you for sharing with us.

  • Jazaakillahu khaira for the amazing post.

    As-salamu alaykum brothers and sisters.
    It is the duty of every Muslim to provide
    their family with the ability to recite
    the Quran and teach them the importance of Islamic morals,
    lifestyles and etiquette. Classes with us will ensure
    that you or your children will receive this and more.
    We have qualified teachers of the holy Quran and
    with many years experience teaching with Tajweed
    at various levels to people of all ages; children, teenagers and adults.
    Classes will be fully tailored to your needs – whether you’re a beginner,
    or advanced – the lessons will ensure that you receive exactly
    what you require to further your knowledge and confidence in reciting the Quran.

    We teach:-
    1. Quran with Tajweed rules from beginning to advance
    2. Prayers/ Salah and woduh
    3. Islamic Studies
    4. Hifz(Quran Memorization )
    5. Adaab & Akhlaq (islamic Manners & Character)
    6. Masnoon Dua (supplication)
    7. Life of The Prophet PBUH
    8. Hadeeth (Saying Of The Prophet PBUH)
    9. Kalmaa’s, Seerah

  • Alhamdulillah this has really inspired me, I was feeling a bit down about not achieving some goals of mine, I will make more of an effort to connect with the quran and insha allah my duas will be fulfilled.

  • Alhamdulillah this has really inspired me, I was feeling a bit down about not achieving some goals of mine, I will make more of an effort to connect with the quran and insha allah my duas will be fulfilled

  • Alhamdulillah this has truly roused me, I was feeling a bit down about not accomplishing a few objectives of mine, but now i trust in Allah’s will everything will be good soon inshallah

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