
A Response to a Well-Intended Hiphop Brother

Asalamu alaykum,

Here is a response to a recent tirade from a Muslim Hip Hopper. I pray for him and myself, hoping that we will not allow this to come between us as Muslims. I differ with my brothers and sisters on this issue, but I respect them and believe that they have a right to engage in Hip Hop. I would encourage us all to have our opinions and engage this discussion divorced from emotions.

Suhaib: I would encourage Muslims to avoid these superstars, inviting them to events, paying them big sums of cash and treating them with such pageantry.

Abdul Haqq, Muslim Hip Hopper: Is Imam Suhaib talking about himself here?

We know that Arabs love white prostitutes and they get the most money of all of the hookers. Has anybody asked Imam Suhaib how much he gets paid to do his lil fake Arab-American accent while they parade him around their “Religious gatherings.”

Suhaib: See below

Abdul Haqq, Muslim Hip Hopper: “Show business is show business. Seems these intolerant self appointed “Scholars” are just worried they may be losing their fan base. And what is up with the Eminem reference??? Don’t “Imams” have better things to do with their time then to drive more people away from Islam????”

Suhaib: Interesting a brother recently took shahada with me alhamdulillah. Perhaps the question is, what type of Islam are we teaching the people in the first place? This watered down Krush Groove Islam is saddening, and when people realize that they were bamboozled by you, they will be upset. I know because, as one convert told me, “The problem wasn’t with me, it was those who explained Islam to me. The watered it down and turned it into something else.”

Also, I’m on record, in fact on this site, saying that “I’m no scholar.” I’m your brother in Islam and because I love you, I’m willing to say what may not please you. Look at your writing above akhi!  Is that the writing of a refined spiritual being, or is that the writing of a person who’s heart is infested with the termites of hip hop? Wallahi, think deeply about your words and ask yourself, when you stand in front of Allah, would you rather do  this hip hop stuff, or hearing the Qur’an intercede for you and your fasting interceding for you? What would the Prophet (sa) say if he walked in on such a gathering?

Abdul Haqq, Muslim Hip Hopper: “I noticed he has failed to mentioned the fact that He is living off that… “ARAB MONEY!!!”

Suhaib: Actually, I take $0 for speaking for visiting a community. In fact, all the classes that I teach are for free. I hope and pray that Allah will preserve that as it was something I was taught by my teachers, who learned it from their teachers back to the early days of Islam. I have even recorded studio lectures for free and donated the profits to organization. I currently live in a one room place, sleep on the floor while my family lives in another country. In other words, I’m surviving.

Again, we see  you relying on hip hop to formulate your analysis, no Qur’an, no Sunna and no statements of the scholars? Just a simple diatribe directed at my person with no real dalil or analysis. All of this proves my point, that some are religiously impoverished when it comes to basic actions and understandings related to how we should interact and treat each other. I call to the mind the statement of the Prophet, “A believer does not use foul words.” and “Those close to me in the Hereafter are those who exercise the best behavior” and “The signs of a hypocrite are three:… when he he argues, he does so with no etiquette.” Although there were times that the righteous used graphic language, the did not do so accusing each other of being prostitutes. Again, a very NWA, NAS, JAY Z, LITTLE WAYNE, type statement reflective of your inner stock.

However, when I travel I do have certain demands which I will list below:

1. No first class or business class tickets, economy or nothing.
2. No fancy hotel, just a simple decent clean place to rest.”

Abdul Haqq, Muslim Hip Hopper: Can you say….. HATERS!

Suhaib: May Allah make our love and hate for His sake alone. Hate can, indeed, be a good thing. Allah describes the Companions, “Allah made sin and rebellion despising to them.” Ibn Abbas, the Prophet’s nephew, said, “Faith is to love for the sake of Allah, and hate for His sake.”

Abdul Haqq one thing to consider is that such  responses are only going to prove what many have assumed: some in the  HH community are  unable to divorce  from the evil constructs that HH was based on. By using foul language and coming out like some kind of hard cat on the streets, making false assumptions and calling me out like you wanna battle and making race an issue, you have done nothing but further my claim that you, and some of your friends, are religiously in bad shape.

May Allah make us on the Haqq and free us from being servants to our nuffs. I appreciate you stopping by and pray that my words have not hurt or harmed you. I love you for Allah’s sake and only hope the best for both of us.

About the author

Suhaib Webb

Suhaib Webb is a contemporary American-Muslim educator, activist, and lecturer. His work bridges classical and contemporary Islamic thought, addressing issues of cultural, social and political relevance to Muslims in the West. After converting to Islam in 1992, Webb left his career in the music industry to pursue his passion in education. He earned a Bachelor’s in Education from the University of Central Oklahoma and received intensive private training in the Islamic Sciences under a renowned Muslim Scholar of Senegalese descent. Webb was hired as the Imam at the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, where he gave khutbas (sermons), taught religious classes, and provided counselling to families and young people; he also served as an Imam and resident scholar in communities across the U.S.

From 2004-2010, Suhaib Webb studied at the world’s preeminent Islamic institution of learning, Al-Azhar University, in the College of Shari`ah. During this time, after several years of studying the Arabic Language and the Islamic legal tradition, he also served as the head of the English Translation Department at Dar al-Ifta al-Misriyyah.

Outside of his studies at Al-Azhar, Suhaib Webb completed the memorization of the Quran in the city of Makkah, Saudi Arabia. He has been granted numerous traditional teaching licenses (ijazat), adhering to centuries-old Islamic scholarly practice of ensuring the highest standards of scholarship. Webb was named one of the 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center in 2010.


  • Who his this Abdul Haqq guy? Unbelievable! May Allah guide him and be merciful on him. Imam Suhaib your calm and intelligent responses are truly reflective of someone trying their best to fear Allah and follow the Beloved’s way.

    I am sickened at the lack of adab and sheer arrogance of Abdul Haqq.

    By the way, Imam Suhaib’s Arab accent, when speaking Arabic, is proof of his skill of articulating in Arabic fluently, unlike many other westerners. He doesn’t need to put on a fake accent, nor is he in denial of his American-ness.

    Since Imam Suhaib clearly knows the ins and outs of the music industry (being an ex-DJ), he is very well placed to discuss the topic. So I for one, would take his opinion on this area.

  • Dang@ Br Abdul

    Br Suhaib’s response was articulate, dignified and real good to read…!! MashAllah

    All these lil people who heckle and have no good word to say…they’re our tests. Simple as. We have to treat it with the Sunnah and battle our nafs.

    May Allah grant us strength and awareness always of Him and of His Rasul’s (SAW) Sunnah- ameen thumma ameen.

  • Forget the fact that Suhaib is our brother who teaches us what he’s learned from his amazing teachers – the lack of adab is disgusting not based upon the relationship of teacher-layman, but rather brother-brother.

    Suhaib, just addressing how he responded to you was a highlight of your argument – taking flak like this must take a toll on your energy, may Allah give you strength! Ameen.

  • Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

    I think the point of this article was not for us to scold this brother for scolding Imam Suhaib Webb. If that was the case, then that proves the Muslim Hip Hopper’s idea of the Ulema, and how they are fake and only denouncing the music industry for their own selfish reasons.

    I also don’t believe the point of this article is to argue about music for it is pretty obvious that most music evokes a message that poisons the mind of the youth and general public with its talk of money, cars, and women. If not the mind, then it poisons the heart because it takes the place in the heart where Allah (SWT) is supposed to be remembered.

    The point, I believe, is this. Often times, when we find ourselves in situations such as these, like with this brother above, most of the time, we puff up in anger and start accusing him or backbiting him. I’m sure if not on the blog, at home, we all probably hate this brother for talking to Imam Suhaib in such a manner. But what we need to realize is that it is not our right to be angry; rather, it is our right to be concerned about the brother or sister for delivering such a response, and that it is our duty to make du’a for such a brother and discuss what could possibly be driving this brother to say such foul words despite the words of the Prophet (S) “Do not use foul words.”

    Whenever we engage in argumentation, we need to remember that we argue for Haq, truth. We argue to bring about an understanding, a correct understanding, of certain aspects of the deen. Why? To please Allah (SWT) first and foremost, so that on the DOJ, we will be able to say “Ya Allah, I did what I could.” Secondly, because Allah (SWT) says in the Qu’ran in Surah Hujurat “The Believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear Allah, that ye may receive Mercy.” We need to start treating the Muslim Ummah as our brothers and sisters of Islam, not as our enemies of Islam. Sadly, this is the case with much of the Ummah today because he or she belongs to a specific medhab or manhaj.

    All Imam Suhaib Webb is doing is articulating this point. He put this conversation up to teach us some adab, adab that we need in this time and place. What other reason would he have for putting this conversation up?

    In the words of Imam Shaf’ii (may Allah have mercy on him), he says, “I never debated a person except I prayed that the truth would be manifested on the person’s tongue and I will be able to follow it.”

    I ask Allah (SWT) to allow us to engage people in a correct manner. Ameen. Anything good from this came from Allah (SWT), anything bad from myself or the Shaytan.

    Correct me if I’m wrong.


  • Asalamu alaykum,

    I posted Br. Abdul Haqq’s response because I felt it entails some of the sincere frustrations that swim in the hearts of our brothers and sisters.

    Secondly, it points to the larger problem of interaction between the masses and Islamic workers.

    I did not post his response so others may ridicule him and denounce him. As I noted in the beginning “well intended.” I certainly have benefited from this entire discussion if not for the great blessing of seeing my own mistakes and ill founded positions. Many are asking for greater clarity on the subject, but in all honesty I don’t feel I have the knowledge nor understanding to offer a one size fits all answer. My call for a moratorium is simply a call to take some time, learn [not trying to be presumptuous] and discuss this matter with our senior scholars. Perhaps a body can be established that would offer guidance to our Muslim artists, workers, as well as the American Muslim community on a whole? Until now, our fiqh councils are not very effective. While agreeing with these councils contentions is not obligatory, a large group of scholars holding on to agreed positions would surely offer much needed clarity for our communities in the West.

    I’m growing, thinking, making mistakes and trying to develop as a student. I would hope that we can all exercise a little compassionate orthodoxy in certain areas. I must admit that my tone was rather harsh and combative. I seek the pardon of Allah as well as by fellow brothers and sisters for accusing them of ignorance and questioning their commitment to Islam.

    What disturbs me is the issue of authority and interpretation and outcomes. Unfortunately I will begin teaching and traveling in the USA over the next few months. I will not have much time to address this in the near future. Inshallah, I hope and pray that this will galvanize brothers and sisters to sit, talk, think and work towards pleasing Allah.

    It would be great if some type of council of scholars was established to address such issues. If people have concerns about certain artists, the could present them to these scholars who could, in turn, offer feedback.


  • Assalamualaikum,

    As the event director for Suhaib’s recent talks in Malaysia, I feel I need to make some matters clear:

    1. Imam Suhaib specifically requested that we DO NOT pay him any fees.
    2. Imam Suhaib requested for ECONOMY tickets & nothing else.
    3. Whereas he could have requested for 5 star hotel accommodation, he chose to stay at his wife’s relatives place in Kuala Lumpur.

    Imam Suhaib also did far more than he needed to do for us here in Malaysia, including last minute interviews etc.

    Please do not toss baseless accusations against our teachers.

    I pray for the best for brother Abdul Haqq & the rest of us, that we may gain in Adab & Taqwa.


    Daniel Zain

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