Community Domestic Affairs Video

From Sh. Bin Bayyah to the American Muslim

In a video message for an Islamic Conference, Shaykh Abdullah Bin Bayyah addresses American Muslims.


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  • What a beautiful speech by Shaykh Bin Bayyah! There are so much good coming out from his message. He’s truly a one of a kind scholar of Islam. Alhamdulillah!

  • Alhamdulillah! Such beautiful words spoken by the Sheikh! Masha’Allah! Jazakhallah khair for posting thos

  • He speaks to the heart. And the heart identifies this man’s sincerity. He’s not trying to gain any public accolades. This man is an inheritor of the Prophets!

  • What a simple yet astoundingly beautiful message. I can tell he speaks from his heart because of how transfixed I was on his words. I agree with Gabriel that the Sheikh’s sincerity could be sensed almost instantly by one’s heart.

    Now if we could just clone the Sheikh a thousand times over, this world would be a much better place.

  • Alhamdulillah. Beautifully spoken and gratefully heard. May Allah reward the shaykh, who reflects Allah’s light ably, and the webmaster(s), who made it possible for us to receive this kind and helpful message.

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