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Guest Authors

As a virtual mosque, we strive to provide a safe space for learning and discussion. We would like to invite our readers to join this process. Everyone has a reflection to share, expertise on a specific topic, or a new idea. We hope, by opening up submissions from guest authors, that we can highlight the work of new, talented writers in our virtual community.

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  • Wonderful idea, everyone who has a blog should find a nice video from imam siraj wahhaj on youtube, embed it and make sure to put his name in the subject so when someone searches his name on blog search engines they are flooded with his awesome lectures.

  • as salaamu alaykum,

    May Allah bless Imam Siraj! I heard him for the first time after a long time at the ICNA conference a few weeks ago… He is truly a special person who has done so much good in his life.

    It’s a shame the light he’s being cast in these days by the media… people need to recognize that this is a man who has dedicated his life to the khidmah [service] of the people, Muslim community and non, and we need more like him…

  • I think we should do a post a picture of yourself with Sirah Wahhaj on your blog campaign!!

    Imam Suhaib can start……. theres pics on studentofislam.com 🙂

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