Family Islamic Character Personal Development


by Izzah Zaroon


Have you ever had a moment when you feel the bile rising in your throat, face flushed, and nostrils flaring? Your hands are balled into fists, and you could strike – you’re filled with that sudden urge to destroy something. It might be a vase, a plate in your hand or your cell phone – easily chucked a couple hundred feet, hurled out a window or shattered into a million pieces on the pavement.

Maybe this scenario isn’t something you can relate to – for you, it might be getting behind the wheel and hitting the gas, the sound of tires screeching and the smell of burned rubber filling the air. Or you might be one of the volcano types which erupt with profanity and all sorts of hurtful words until there is nothing left.  Or you can be the type that does not say anything, internalizing the feeling of anger until they get an ulcer.

It’s perfectly normal to get angry.  After all, we are human – we have emotions and are impacted by our day-to-day dealings and disappointments. Anger is a human emotion that all of us possess, but like any other human vice, anger needs to be controlled so that it doesn’t control you. Anger can range from mild irritation to intense fury and rage. So what is the prescribed manner to display anger? How does one keep anger in check?  What are the prescribed ways to manage anger?

It is important to discuss how to approach anger because if anger is not properly dealt with, it can cause other problems internally or externally. For instance, if anger is internalized it can cause hypertension (high blood pressure) or depression. Externally one will witness violence and destruction; the ripples of anger linger and taint a person’s character as well.

The sudden spark of anger that ignites into a flame is attributed to Satan provoking man to lose control.  In a narration of a hadith, Atiyah bin Arwah reports the Prophet ﷺ as saying, “Anger is prompted by Satan who has been created from fire“ (Abu Dawud). Furthermore, the Prophet has been quoted about anger in the following ahadith:

“Beware of anger, for it is a live coal on the heart of the descendant of Adam. Do you not notice the swelling of the veins of his neck and the redness of his eyes? So when anyone experiences anything of that nature he should lie down and cleave to the earth” (Tirmidhi).

“If one of you becomes angry while standing he should sit down. If the anger leaves him, well and good; otherwise he should lie down” (Tirmidhi).

Performing ablution is another method of anger management. The Prophet ﷺ said: “Anger comes from the devil, the devil was created of fire, and fire is extinguished only with water; so when any of you is angry, he should perform ablution” (Abu Dawood).

Next time you feel a little hot under the collar here a few suggestions on how to keep that little spark from becoming an all-consuming fire:

  • First of all seek refuge from Satan. The du`a’ that is recommended is “auoodhu billahee minashaythan irajeem,” which translates to “I seek refuge in Allah from the Satan, the stoned,” as noted in Bukhari and Muslim.
  • Try changing your physical position. If you are standing, sit down.
  • Finally, if that fire is starting turn into an all-out forest fire, make wudu (ablution) and put it out.

I also have a few personal suggestions that I have found helpful, as I tend to be on the fiery side: drinking water helps, stepping away from the situation and cooling down, and I personally enjoy meditation through yoga and isolation. Also, any means to get out the frustration is good: exercising, martial arts, sports, etc.

I would like to end with two ahadith that I found very inspiring:

The Prophet ﷺ said, “When Allah created His creations, He wrote on His Throne: ‘My Mercy has preceded My Anger'” (Bukhari).

The Prophet ﷺ said, “The strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, but the one who controls himself while in anger,’ (Bukhari).

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  • Salam,

    Soccer dude, it’s like therapy. Every Sunday night for a couple of hours and my week is reset and I am chill (maybe too tired to get angry). My wife likes that I get out of her hair for a couple of hours too 🙂

    Thank you for the nice post.

    Could anger be the result of contempt with fate and destiny? is it a sign of weak faith? something to contemplate.


  • thank you for this. i tend to get angry easily in the past couple months so next time i feel it coming i going to try to remember this! now i just need a trick to keep my mouth closed

  • As’salamalaikum!
    I’m all three: drive a shoddy car extremely fast, roll down the window and yell at everything while insanely smashing plates into the streets…

    I remember what Imam Zaid Shakir said about rage: “Controlling your anger is a sign of spiritual maturity.” Succinct, evident and something to aspire to. Anger is deliberately easy because it’s the path to so much destruction without actually touching a thing. But, a smart person/believer recognises that there is legitimate anger, valid things to get ticked off at – it is the REACTION or the WAY in which we deal with that anger that can make or break us.

    I’ve stopped driving now. I use public transport.

    Barak’Allah, will remember to use ‘tawwudh’ – audho’billah… and will lay flat in middle of street when I want to punch the mocking brother (!) I kid, I kid.


  • Great tips about controlling anger. And great reminder that humans must learn to control it. May Allah SWT reward you

  • Alhamdulilah awesome reminder. Jazakillahu Khaira!

    Often times people who are angry just begin to spew any and everything they feel….and almost always end up regretting it later. One of my favorite quotes referring to this is:

    “Speak when you’re angry, and you’ll make the best speech you’ll ever regret.” Lawrence J Peter

    Another thing that relieves stress and Anger is obviously reading the Quraan and listening to a nice calming recitation of the Quraan. As soon as the words are recited from your lips or the sound of the words hit your ears, its as if you can feel the nots of anger/saddness/anxiety slipping away.

    Also–from experience–doing something hands on. I used to do pottery on the wheel when I was in high school and it was an amaazziingg stress reliever. wa Alhamdulillah.

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